Ahh - my mistake.
It looks like the build package I had access to was not cleanly unpacked, there was quite a few differences on the file system between machines.
Thanks for the explanation of the process.
Will the ant dependencies ever be removed completely? I am pretty sure Maven can deal with combining modules into a distribution package (whatever form that takes). This is handled even nicer in maven 3.
Terry Rankine
-----Original Message-----
From: Pigot, Simon (CMAR, Hobart)
Sent: Monday, 3 October 2011 12:15 PM
To: Rankine, Terry (CESRE, Kensington); geonetwork-devel@anonymised.comnet
Subject: RE: WAR vs Installer - the missing pieces
Which oasis catalog is not included in the war?
The installer (reading from installer/installer-config.xml) bundles up the following:
- the GeoNetwork WAR contents from web/target/geonetwork and the contents of the 'release' directory (jetty, start up scripts for jetty webapp, data directory, schemaPlugins directory etc) (core package)
- GeoServer (geoserver/target/geoserver) (geoserver package)
- gast (gast package)
- experimental ext-js widget interface (web-client/src/main/resources) (widget package)
In short, the installer includes the GeoNetwork WAR file contents (in expanded form) - so (apart from a manifest and a few bits of maven info in the WAR) there shouldn't be any differences between GeoNetwork deployed under jetty and GeoNetwork deployed as a WAR file in some other container.
Also, you can now configure the database in the container (see the JNDIPool resource example in WEB-INF/config.xml).
From: Terry.Rankine@anonymised.com [Terry.Rankine@anonymised.com]
Sent: Monday, 3 October 2011 1:15 PM
To: geonetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [ExternalEmail] [GeoNetwork-devel] WAR vs Installer - the missing pieces
Hi Guys
We have recently been grabbing the 'war' from our geonetwork builder, and using that on a machine for testing.
Dumping a WAR file into tomcat, and then customising the DB connection seems simpler that building the installer, and installing each time we want to test something.
What is the difference from the WAR only and the installer?
We are not using GAST - nor do we see the need to (yet). However, we have just discovered that the Oasis offline XML catalogue would not be present, is there any other things which need to be considered?
Pending that, is it worth rethinking the build process/build layout to include the oasis catalogue within the WAR? Or is the schema cache used in other components?
Terry Rankine
Terry Rankine
Research Group Leader
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
26 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington, WA 6151
P +61-8-6436 8601 | M +61 (0)430 393 364 | W www.csiro.au<http://www.csiro.au/>