[GeoNetwork-devel] WFS 1.1.0 x XLink and CSW 2.0.2 ready for certification

Hi Francois and others,
I copied the dev list so others are aware also. I think that we should stop any further development beyond fixing the obvious on Monday morning. I want to propose to make the 2.4.0 release on Monday to avoid the release date slipping into mid August after holidays. Monday is my last chance to make the release and i think we are in very good shape for it, except for some minor CSW issues that remain open (possibly complex to solve, but minor with respect to being CSW compliant for most use cases). We can later make a minor release that fixes the last issues. Would that work for you? I will send a separate email proposing the 2.4.0 release.

On Jul 17, 2009, at 12:59 PM, Francois Prunayre wrote:

Hello Simon & Jeroen,

I spend some times on running the new OGC testsuite (see patch
attached to apply to trunk).

I tried to keep the current status of the task on the wiki :
CSW2020TestSuiteResults – GeoNetwork opensource Developer website

I fixed quite a number of issues and also have new pending issues
which could be quite complex to solve:
* case sensitivity in lucene for tokenized fields
* geotools srsName parser error.

I did not manage to check all failing tests. So if any of you could
have a look to the next ones and comments on my patch attached are
also welcomed.
I don't plan to do much more over the week end so let's have a talk
about that next week ? small IRC meeting or email ?

2009/7/17 <Simon.Pigot@anonymised.com>:

I was looking at the sort failures in the test suite - eg. trying to sort on things like dc:identifier (specified as an ogc:propertyname in a filter) which then needs to be mapped to the appropriate lucene field and wondered whether we could have a single xml file which would describe the mapping between the elements in a particular metadata standard and the lucene index fields - we need this in quite a few places (ie. not just csw) eg. in the index-fields.xsl files for each standard, the 'brief' template for each standard and perhaps in the user interface etc - is this already covered in the csw work (haven't had a chance to look properly) or do we need to develop and implement this mapping mechanism so that it can be used in all the different parts of GN that need it?

For csw, config-csw.xml contains the mapping. But yep that could be
better to have all in the same place, but this require more work.
Heikki made also changes to the computeQuery which could use such kind
of info also.


From: Francois Prunayre [fx.prunayre@anonymised.com]
Sent: Friday, 17 July 2009 7:18 PM
To: Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com; Pigot, Simon (CMAR, Hobart); Mathieu Coudert
Subject: Re: Fw: WFS 1.1.0 x XLink and CSW 2.0.2 ready for certification

Hello Jeroen, Simon and Mathieu,
I'm playing with the new CSW testsuite today and I will keep you up to
date on my progress by the end of my european day.
The new testsuite is more generic (not only ISO profil) so slightly
different from the previous one.

A bientot.


2009/7/16 Jeroen Ticheler <Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com>:

Simon, for your info.

On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 19:02:48 -0400, Raj Singh <rsingh@anonymised.com>

Sure. See this posting for instructions:
OGC seeks public comment on CF-netCDF 3.0 encoding using the GML Coverage Application Schema Standard - Open Geospatial Consortium


On Jul 15, at 2:43 AM, Francois Prunayre wrote:

Dear Raj, Jeroen has been tested new teamengine for CSW 2.0.2. I would
like to do some more investigations. Is there any way to download the
testsuite in order to run it locally ? We have been using this one
http://www.gdi-de.org:8080/teamengine/ for now.

Thanks a lot for your help.

