Thanks Francois, one related query (asked in another thread but didn’t get answer yet) but I think is important as I am asking about a possible bug in metadocument creation.
Is not a geonet:child element created only for the missing elements/attributes in the metadata being shown? That is, a geonet:child element should be put for hierarchyLevel only if it is missing in the metadata. But I found it is added for hierarchyLevel even though it is present.
I found this for some other elements too. I just want to know if it is a bug here in metadocument creation? If not, what can be the reason that a geonet:child appears for an element even when it exists in the metadata?
Thanks a lot again.
On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 12:29 PM, Francois Prunayre <> wrote:
Systems Programmer
kCube Consultancy Services
2013/10/25 Ameet Chaudhari <>
I mean instead of this (as is written in the INSPIRE view):
<xsl:apply-templates mode=“elementEP” select=“gmd:hierarchyLevel| geonet:child[string(@name)=‘hierarchyLevel’]”>
should not the correct way be like this:
<xsl:apply-templates mode=“elementEP” select=“gmd:hierarchyLevel”>
<xsl:if test=“not(gmd:hierarchyLevel)”>
<xsl:apply-templates mode=“elementEP”
Yes/No in that case, you’ll not allow to add hierarchyLevel if one (or more) is set which may be what you want, but the schema cardinality is 0…*. So it depends on what you want to display on your editor view.
Please confirm this, thanks a lot and best Regards.
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Ameet Chaudhari <…31…> wrote:
Hi Francois,
Thanks a lot for this tip, I knew about the !, but was not aware of this “metadocument” thing created by geoserver. Thanks a lot to the Geonetwork team for creating this ! facility
One clarification - as you said “…/…/gmd:hierarchyLevel | …/…/geonet:child[string(@name)=‘hierarchyLevel’] means match hierarchyLevel if it exists in the metadata or the non existing element for hierarchyLevel from the schema definition (geonet:child)”, but I guess it is not ‘or’ here rather it matches hierarchyLevel (it exists in my metadata) AND also the non existing element and I end up seeing both of them rendered below each other. That is, I see the hierarchyLevel with codelist value first and below it I also see its combobox populated from schema definition. So I guess this whole selection works well for non-existing elements but ends up showing it two times if the element exists, am I right?
Best Regards
Systems Programmer
kCube Consultancy Services
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 12:09 PM, Francois Prunayre <> wrote:
Hi Ameet,
Systems Programmer
kCube Consultancy Services
2013/10/23 Ameet Chaudhari <>
Can anyone clear the meaning/effect of following selection:
…/…/geonet:child[string(@name)=‘elementName’] ?
It is there for a lot of elements in each schema’s XSL file.
You should look into the document processed to better get an idea of what is happening. Add a “!” after the service name to see the XML before XSLT is applied. eg.
Basically, GeoNetwork create a “metadocument” which is composed of the record to edit and the schema definition. The schema definition contains info about cardinality, subelements, …
So …/…/gmd:hierarchyLevel | …/…/geonet:child[string(@name)=‘hierarchyLevel’] means match hierarchyLevel if it exists in the metadata or the non existing element for hierarchyLevel from the schema definition (geonet:child).
Writing a proposal to improve the editor, I’ll try to better describe all this.
For example, in ISO19139 schema’s metadata-inspire.xsl (used for inspire view), the selection for gmd:hierarchyLevel element is done as follows
<xsl:apply-templates mode=“elementEP” select=“…/…/gmd:hierarchyLevel | …/…/geonet:child[string(@name)=‘hierarchyLevel’]”>
The selection …/…/geonet:child[string(@name)=‘hierarchyLevel’] actually shows two child elements of hierarchyLevel in a combobox in GUI (gmd:MD_ScopeCode, gmx:MX_ScopeCode), even though in my record there is only one child element (gmd:MD_ScopeCode).
Since this is a geonet prefixed path, I am not able to understand how this selects elements.
My Regards and appreciation for any help on this.
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