[GeoNetwork-devel] XML metadata ISO19139 XSL


Let me explain, I use GEONETWORK to generate metadata in XML format
complying with ISO 19139.
Then, with the file
WEB-INF/data/config/schema_plugins/ISO19139/index-fields.xsl I recovers the
values ​​in the XML file.

Its looks like this:

codeListValue = "vector" codespace = "ISOTC211 / 19115"> vector </
</ spatialRepresentationType>

<xsl: for-each select = "gmd: spatialRepresentationType">
         <Field name = "spatialRepresentationType" string = "{gmd:
MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode / @ codeListValue}" store = "true" index =
"true" />
</ xsl: for-each>

For now, no problem, I get the value of codelistvalue.

My problem is, I can not retrieve the associated value in the file
\WEB-INF\data\config\schema_plugins\ISO19139\loc\fre\codelists.xml I want to
use in the file apps\html5ui\js\ App-mini.js to display this value (label
and description) in the search result panel.
The associated value is:
      <description>Donnée vecteur (point, ligne, polygone)</description>


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/XML-metadata-ISO19139-XSL-tp5156969.html
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