[GeoNetwork-users] ArcCatalog MEF plugin?

Dear list, ciao Jeroen,

I've read about the MEF plugin for ArcCatalog, but I don't manage to find

I'd love to have a copy of it, in order to be able to export the metadata
from file-based to GeoNetwork.

Is that plugin available (even if it's a beta version)? I also didn't manage
to find it in subversion.

Thanks in advance.

Greetings from Ispra (Italy),




*Joint Research Centre
European Commmission *

*Institute for Environment and Sustainability
Rural, Water and Ecosystem Resources Unit *

*Building 26A Office nº132 TP 262
Via Enrico Fermi 2749
I-21027, ISPRA(VA) Italy

Tel. **+39 -
E-mail: **oscar.gomez@anonymised.com* <oscar.gomez@anonymised.com>*
Unit Web site: **http://agrienv.jrc.it/* <blocked::http://agrienv.jrc.it/&gt;\*

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Hi Oscar,
We're almost there with the beta release. The code does not sit in a SVN yet, but we'll put it in there at the same time. I hope we'll be ready tomorrow or first days next week.

On Jun 26, 2008, at 3:59 PM, Oscar Gomez wrote:

Dear list, ciao Jeroen,

I've read about the MEF plugin for ArcCatalog, but I don't manage to find

I'd love to have a copy of it, in order to be able to export the metadata
from file-based to GeoNetwork.

Is that plugin available (even if it's a beta version)? I also didn't manage
to find it in subversion.

Thanks in advance.

Greetings from Ispra (Italy),




*Joint Research Centre
European Commmission *

*Institute for Environment and Sustainability
Rural, Water and Ecosystem Resources Unit *

*Building 26A Office nº132 TP 262
Via Enrico Fermi 2749
I-21027, ISPRA(VA) Italy

Tel. **+39 -
E-mail: **oscar.gomez@...189...* <oscar.gomez@...189...>*
Unit Web site: **http://agrienv.jrc.it/* <blocked::http://agrienv.jrc.it/&gt;\*

*DISCLAIMER:** The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may
not in any circumstances
be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.*

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