[GeoNetwork-users] compatibility with arc catalog

hi list,

i recently began using the geonetwork metadata editor.

since many of my collegues are using ArcCatalog i want to test the
compatibility of the two systems. i tried to import the xml-source-code
from the geonetwork xml-view into the filename.shp.xml.

viewing the metadata with the iso-stylesheet is not possible, no entries
are shown. when i try to edit the metadata with the iso-editor, i find
that many of my entries have dissappeared.

if i try to import my existing metadata from ArcCatalog into GeoNetwork
via XML Metadata insert, i get the error-message "The requested
operation could not be performed. Root element not set".

has anybody of you a solution / explanation for this problems?

thanks a lot in advance,

ursula hoernes

System infomation

Installation Information
Product Name: ArcGIS Desktop
Release Version:
Product Version:
Service Pack Information
ArcGIS Service Pack: 3 (build

ArcCatalog Settings
Default Stylesheet: ISO
Metadata Editor: ISO-Wizard
Synchronizers: ISO (exclusive)

Dipl. Biol. Ursula Hoernes
Ecology-Centre Kiel
Olshausenstrasse 75
24118 Kiel
Phone: +49(0)431 880 3454
Fax: +49(0)431 880 4083

Hi Ursula,

The explanation is very simple: The two XML structures differ significantly. What needs to be done is a conversion from one into the other structure and vice-versa. In GeoNetwork this could be done automatically, but we need to work on the translator XSL stylesheet. I know people have worked on this but unfortunately we did not have a recent version send back to us. I have published an initial conversion tool that can be downloaded from the Software section on the GeoNetwork community website. Again, that one still needs improvements on the XSL...

So in this email: has anyone done work on updating the XSL sheets for ArcCatalog conversions? If yes, could you please provide input?

Hope this helps,

On Jun 1, 2006, at 1:23 PM, Ursula Hoernes wrote:

hi list,

i recently began using the geonetwork metadata editor.

since many of my collegues are using ArcCatalog i want to test the
compatibility of the two systems. i tried to import the xml-source-code
from the geonetwork xml-view into the filename.shp.xml.

viewing the metadata with the iso-stylesheet is not possible, no entries
are shown. when i try to edit the metadata with the iso-editor, i find
that many of my entries have dissappeared.

if i try to import my existing metadata from ArcCatalog into GeoNetwork
via XML Metadata insert, i get the error-message "The requested
operation could not be performed. Root element not set".

has anybody of you a solution / explanation for this problems?

thanks a lot in advance,

ursula hoernes

System infomation

Installation Information
Product Name: ArcGIS Desktop
Release Version:
Product Version:
Service Pack Information
ArcGIS Service Pack: 3 (build

ArcCatalog Settings
Default Stylesheet: ISO
Metadata Editor: ISO-Wizard
Synchronizers: ISO (exclusive)

Dipl. Biol. Ursula Hoernes
Ecology-Centre Kiel
Olshausenstrasse 75
24118 Kiel
Phone: +49(0)431 880 3454
Fax: +49(0)431 880 4083

GeoNetwork-users mailing list
geonetwork-users List Signup and Options
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog download | SourceForge.net

Dear Ursula,
I have not tried creating metadata in GeoNetwork and then importing it
into ArcCatalog, but I have had a lot of experience at trying to get
metadata from ArcCatalog into GeoNetwork.

Currently the only solution is to work with FGDC standard metadata in

If you create meta data in ArcCatalog using FGDC metadata stylesheet,
then export the meta data as FGDC CSDGM (XML) this can be batch
imported into GeoNetwork using the FGDC stylesheet.

Thumbnails are not supported in the FGDC format in GeoNetwork - which
is naturally a pity!

Richard A Kidd
Senior GIS & Mapping Officer

Spatial Information & Mapping Centre, SIM-Centre, BRR NAD-Nias, Banda Aceh

On 6/1/06, Ursula Hoernes <uhoernes@anonymised.com> wrote:

hi list,

i recently began using the geonetwork metadata editor.

since many of my collegues are using ArcCatalog i want to test the
compatibility of the two systems. i tried to import the xml-source-code
from the geonetwork xml-view into the filename.shp.xml.

viewing the metadata with the iso-stylesheet is not possible, no entries
are shown. when i try to edit the metadata with the iso-editor, i find
that many of my entries have dissappeared.

if i try to import my existing metadata from ArcCatalog into GeoNetwork
via XML Metadata insert, i get the error-message "The requested
operation could not be performed. Root element not set".

has anybody of you a solution / explanation for this problems?

thanks a lot in advance,

ursula hoernes

System infomation

Installation Information
Product Name: ArcGIS Desktop
Release Version:
Product Version:
Service Pack Information
ArcGIS Service Pack: 3 (build

ArcCatalog Settings
Default Stylesheet: ISO
Metadata Editor: ISO-Wizard
Synchronizers: ISO (exclusive)

Dipl. Biol. Ursula Hoernes
Ecology-Centre Kiel
Olshausenstrasse 75
24118 Kiel
Phone: +49(0)431 880 3454
Fax: +49(0)431 880 4083

GeoNetwork-users mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

We ran into a similar issue when importing both FGDC-std conforming metadata and ArcCatalog metadata.

depending on the import method if the file starts with
<? xml .... ?>

The error Ursula saw occurs.

If you manually edit the file stripping the <?xml ... ?> comment
the import works fine.

Note that the <?xml ... ?> comment is NOT stored in the database and is added by the stylesheets when editing or reviewing.

Once imported geonetwork mostly ignores the xml tags it does not understand.
Of course Arc Catalog metadata is an extension to fgdc-std (CSDGM v2.0) metadata and the extensions are not always honored.

Instead of converting

Arc Catalog -> fgdc-std (CSDGM v2.0) -> ISO 19115 -> ISO 19139 (CSDGM v3.0?)

Locally we are working on stylesheets for

Arc Catalog -> ISO 19139 ( CSDGM v3.0?)
CSDGM V2.0 -> ISO 19139 ( CSDGM v3.0?)

we do note that
ISO19139 is not yet official, it appears to be at the DIS stage.
US FGDC is expected to adopt ISO19139 as CSDGM v3.0.


Carl Anderson
GIS Manager
Fulton County, Georgia, USA

Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

Hi Ursula,

The explanation is very simple: The two XML structures differ significantly. What needs to be done is a conversion from one into the other structure and vice-versa. In GeoNetwork this could be done automatically, but we need to work on the translator XSL stylesheet. I know people have worked on this but unfortunately we did not have a recent version send back to us. I have published an initial conversion tool that can be downloaded from the Software section on the GeoNetwork community website. Again, that one still needs improvements on the XSL...

So in this email: has anyone done work on updating the XSL sheets for ArcCatalog conversions? If yes, could you please provide input?

Hope this helps,

On Jun 1, 2006, at 1:23 PM, Ursula Hoernes wrote:

hi list,

i recently began using the geonetwork metadata editor.

since many of my collegues are using ArcCatalog i want to test the
compatibility of the two systems. i tried to import the xml-source- code
from the geonetwork xml-view into the filename.shp.xml.

viewing the metadata with the iso-stylesheet is not possible, no entries
are shown. when i try to edit the metadata with the iso-editor, i find
that many of my entries have dissappeared.

if i try to import my existing metadata from ArcCatalog into GeoNetwork
via XML Metadata insert, i get the error-message "The requested
operation could not be performed. Root element not set".

has anybody of you a solution / explanation for this problems?

thanks a lot in advance,

ursula hoernes

System infomation

Installation Information
Product Name: ArcGIS Desktop
Release Version:
Product Version:
Service Pack Information
ArcGIS Service Pack: 3 (build

ArcCatalog Settings
Default Stylesheet: ISO
Metadata Editor: ISO-Wizard
Synchronizers: ISO (exclusive)

Dipl. Biol. Ursula Hoernes
Ecology-Centre Kiel
Olshausenstrasse 75
24118 Kiel
Phone: +49(0)431 880 3454
Fax: +49(0)431 880 4083

GeoNetwork-users mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/ projects/geonetwork
GeoNetwork-users mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

hi list, hi jeroen, carl & richard!

thank you very much for your replies!
the import of my metadata worked for my data almost the way carl
describes below.

i imported fdgc-metadata successfully when i deleted line nr.1. only in
this case saving the imported data was impossible and i got an error
when saving (see below). i removed "xml:" from line nr.2., then saving
worked fine.

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <metadata xml:lang="de">
3 ...
4 ...
5 </metadata>

i am far from being an xml-expert, so if this is the wrong way to solve
the problem, please give me a hint!





Cannot build ServiceRequest
Cause : The name "_1_xml:lang" is not legal for JDOM/XML elements:
Element names cannot contain colons.
Error : org.jdom.IllegalNameException
Stack :
org.jdom.IllegalNameException: The name "_1_xml:lang" is not legal for
JDOM/XML elements: Element names cannot contain colons.
  at org.jdom.Element.setName(Element.java:206)
  at org.jdom.Element.<init>(Element.java:140)
  at org.jdom.Element.<init>(Element.java:152)
  at jeeves.server.sources.http.JeevesServlet.execute(JeevesServlet.java:151)
  at jeeves.server.sources.http.JeevesServlet.doPost(JeevesServlet.java:110)
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:616)
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:689)
  at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(ServletHolder.java:427)
  at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle(ServletHandler.java:568)
  at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(HttpContext.java:1565)
  at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(HttpContext.java:1517)
  at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.service(HttpServer.java:954)
  at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.service(HttpConnection.java:816)
  at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handleNext(HttpConnection.java:983)
  at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handle(HttpConnection.java:833)
  at org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer.handle(ThreadedServer.java:357)
  at org.mortbay.util.ThreadPool$PoolThread.run(ThreadPool.java:534)



Carl Anderson schrieb:

We ran into a similar issue when importing both FGDC-std conforming
metadata and ArcCatalog metadata.

depending on the import method if the file starts with
<? xml .... ?>

The error Ursula saw occurs.

If you manually edit the file stripping the <?xml ... ?> comment
the import works fine.

Note that the <?xml ... ?> comment is NOT stored in the database and is
added by the stylesheets when editing or reviewing.

Once imported geonetwork mostly ignores the xml tags it does not understand.
Of course Arc Catalog metadata is an extension to fgdc-std (CSDGM v2.0)
metadata and the extensions are not always honored.

Instead of converting

Arc Catalog -> fgdc-std (CSDGM v2.0) -> ISO 19115 -> ISO 19139 (CSDGM

Locally we are working on stylesheets for

Arc Catalog -> ISO 19139 ( CSDGM v3.0?)
CSDGM V2.0 -> ISO 19139 ( CSDGM v3.0?)

we do note that
ISO19139 is not yet official, it appears to be at the DIS stage.
US FGDC is expected to adopt ISO19139 as CSDGM v3.0.


Carl Anderson
GIS Manager
Fulton County, Georgia, USA

Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

Hi Ursula,

The explanation is very simple: The two XML structures differ
significantly. What needs to be done is a conversion from one into
the other structure and vice-versa. In GeoNetwork this could be done
automatically, but we need to work on the translator XSL stylesheet.
I know people have worked on this but unfortunately we did not have a
recent version send back to us. I have published an initial
conversion tool that can be downloaded from the Software section on
the GeoNetwork community website. Again, that one still needs
improvements on the XSL...

So in this email: has anyone done work on updating the XSL sheets for
ArcCatalog conversions? If yes, could you please provide input?

Hope this helps,

On Jun 1, 2006, at 1:23 PM, Ursula Hoernes wrote:

hi list,

i recently began using the geonetwork metadata editor.

since many of my collegues are using ArcCatalog i want to test the
compatibility of the two systems. i tried to import the xml-source-
from the geonetwork xml-view into the filename.shp.xml.

viewing the metadata with the iso-stylesheet is not possible, no
are shown. when i try to edit the metadata with the iso-editor, i find
that many of my entries have dissappeared.

if i try to import my existing metadata from ArcCatalog into
via XML Metadata insert, i get the error-message "The requested
operation could not be performed. Root element not set".

has anybody of you a solution / explanation for this problems?

thanks a lot in advance,

ursula hoernes

System infomation

Installation Information
Product Name: ArcGIS Desktop
Release Version:
Product Version:
Service Pack Information
ArcGIS Service Pack: 3 (build

ArcCatalog Settings
Default Stylesheet: ISO
Metadata Editor: ISO-Wizard
Synchronizers: ISO (exclusive)

Dipl. Biol. Ursula Hoernes
Ecology-Centre Kiel
Olshausenstrasse 75
24118 Kiel
Phone: +49(0)431 880 3454
Fax: +49(0)431 880 4083

GeoNetwork-users mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/
GeoNetwork-users mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork
GeoNetwork-users mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

Dipl. Biol. Ursula Hoernes
Ecology-Centre Kiel
Olshausenstrasse 75
24118 Kiel
Phone: +49(0)431 880 3454
Fax: +49(0)431 880 4083

hi list,

i am planning to establish the geonetwork metadata-tool in our research
centre for ecology. since it will be difficult enough to persuade people
to use the new tool i would like to minimize the barriers by creating
german translation.

are there already people working on a german translation so that i maybe
could join a workingroup?
if not, i would like to share my future work. are there special formal
requirements to the translations?



Dipl. Biol. Ursula Hoernes
Ecology-Centre Kiel
Olshausenstrasse 75
24118 Kiel
Phone: +49(0)431 880 3454
Fax: +49(0)431 880 4083

Thanks Carl!
Can this be written up slightly more structured so I can include in in the Community website for people to refer to?
Note that in GeoNetwork 2.1 metadata will be validated against ISO19139. We expect that to be ready as a release around September this year.
Have a good weekend,

On Jun 2, 2006, at 4:53 AM, Carl Anderson wrote:

We ran into a similar issue when importing both FGDC-std conforming metadata and ArcCatalog metadata.

depending on the import method if the file starts with
<? xml .... ?>

The error Ursula saw occurs.

If you manually edit the file stripping the <?xml ... ?> comment
the import works fine.

Note that the <?xml ... ?> comment is NOT stored in the database and is added by the stylesheets when editing or reviewing.

Once imported geonetwork mostly ignores the xml tags it does not understand.
Of course Arc Catalog metadata is an extension to fgdc-std (CSDGM v2.0) metadata and the extensions are not always honored.

Instead of converting

Arc Catalog -> fgdc-std (CSDGM v2.0) -> ISO 19115 -> ISO 19139 (CSDGM v3.0?)

Locally we are working on stylesheets for

Arc Catalog -> ISO 19139 ( CSDGM v3.0?)
CSDGM V2.0 -> ISO 19139 ( CSDGM v3.0?)

we do note that
ISO19139 is not yet official, it appears to be at the DIS stage.
US FGDC is expected to adopt ISO19139 as CSDGM v3.0.


Carl Anderson
GIS Manager
Fulton County, Georgia, USA

Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

Hi Ursula,

The explanation is very simple: The two XML structures differ significantly. What needs to be done is a conversion from one into the other structure and vice-versa. In GeoNetwork this could be done automatically, but we need to work on the translator XSL stylesheet. I know people have worked on this but unfortunately we did not have a recent version send back to us. I have published an initial conversion tool that can be downloaded from the Software section on the GeoNetwork community website. Again, that one still needs improvements on the XSL...

So in this email: has anyone done work on updating the XSL sheets for ArcCatalog conversions? If yes, could you please provide input?

Hope this helps,

On Jun 1, 2006, at 1:23 PM, Ursula Hoernes wrote:

hi list,

i recently began using the geonetwork metadata editor.

since many of my collegues are using ArcCatalog i want to test the
compatibility of the two systems. i tried to import the xml-source- code
from the geonetwork xml-view into the filename.shp.xml.

viewing the metadata with the iso-stylesheet is not possible, no entries
are shown. when i try to edit the metadata with the iso-editor, i find
that many of my entries have dissappeared.

if i try to import my existing metadata from ArcCatalog into GeoNetwork
via XML Metadata insert, i get the error-message "The requested
operation could not be performed. Root element not set".

has anybody of you a solution / explanation for this problems?

thanks a lot in advance,

ursula hoernes

System infomation

Installation Information
Product Name: ArcGIS Desktop
Release Version:
Product Version:
Service Pack Information
ArcGIS Service Pack: 3 (build

ArcCatalog Settings
Default Stylesheet: ISO
Metadata Editor: ISO-Wizard
Synchronizers: ISO (exclusive)

Dipl. Biol. Ursula Hoernes
Ecology-Centre Kiel
Olshausenstrasse 75
24118 Kiel
Phone: +49(0)431 880 3454
Fax: +49(0)431 880 4083

GeoNetwork-users mailing list
geonetwork-users List Signup and Options
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/ projects/geonetwork

GeoNetwork-users mailing list
geonetwork-users List Signup and Options
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog download | SourceForge.net

Hi Richard,
Never replied to this one… You could add support for FGDC thumbnails relatively easy by improving the metadata-fgdc-std.xsl file and make sure it also outputs an img element when displaying the page. If you manage, please provide it and we can include it. I think Sadir at CGIAR-IWMI already did this(!?). If so, he may be able to provide the needed XSL templates.

On Jun 2, 2006, at 4:23 AM, Richard Kidd wrote:

Thumbnails are not supported in the FGDC format in GeoNetwork - which

is naturally a pity!

Hi Richard and Jeroen,

Please find herewith attached the documentation which would help you to modify the metadata-fgdc-std.xsl to grab the thumbnail preview images. Hope this will help you.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jeroen Ticheler [mailto:Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:11 PM
To: Richard Kidd
Cc: Ursula Hoernes; geonetwork-users@lists.sourceforge.net; Mohideen (IWMI) Sadir
Subject: Re: [GeoNetwork-users] compatibility with arc catalog

Hi Richard,

Never replied to this one… You could add support for FGDC thumbnails relatively easy by improving the metadata-fgdc-std.xsl file and make sure it also outputs an img element when displaying the page. If you manage, please provide it and we can include it. I think Sadir at CGIAR-IWMI already did this(!?). If so, he may be able to provide the needed XSL templates.



On Jun 2, 2006, at 4:23 AM, Richard Kidd wrote:

Thumbnails are not supported in the FGDC format in GeoNetwork - which

is naturally a pity!


Thumbnail_preview.pdf (41.9 KB)

Dear Jeroen, All.

Unfortunately I have not had time to look at this, and do not foresee
that there will be time in the near future - but this functionality IS

If anyone can assist I would be extreemly grateful!!

I look forward to any responses on this.
all the best,
p.s. Jeroen, thanks for following up on this!!

On 8/22/06, Jeroen Ticheler <Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hi Richard,
Never replied to this one.. You could add support for FGDC thumbnails
relatively easy by improving the metadata-fgdc-std.xsl file and make sure it
also outputs an img element when displaying the page. If you manage, please
provide it and we can include it. I think Sadir at CGIAR-IWMI already did
this(!?). If so, he may be able to provide the needed XSL templates.

On Jun 2, 2006, at 4:23 AM, Richard Kidd wrote:

Thumbnails are not supported in the FGDC format in GeoNetwork - which

is naturally a pity!

Ciao Sadir,
Thank you for this response and pdf document. I will try to implement
your solution.
All the best

On 8/22/06, Sadir, Mohideen (IWMI) <m.sadir@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hi Richard and Jeroen,

Please find herewith attached the documentation which would help you to
modify the metadata-fgdc-std.xsl to grab the thumbnail preview images. Hope
this will help you.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jeroen Ticheler [mailto:Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:11 PM
To: Richard Kidd
Cc: Ursula Hoernes; geonetwork-users@lists.sourceforge.net;
Mohideen (IWMI) Sadir
Subject: Re: [GeoNetwork-users] compatibility with arc catalog

Hi Richard,

Never replied to this one.. You could add support for FGDC thumbnails
relatively easy by improving the metadata-fgdc-std.xsl file and make sure it
also outputs an img element when displaying the page. If you manage, please
provide it and we can include it. I think Sadir at CGIAR-IWMI already did
this(!?). If so, he may be able to provide the needed XSL templates.



On Jun 2, 2006, at 4:23 AM, Richard Kidd wrote:

Thumbnails are not supported in the FGDC format in GeoNetwork - which

is naturally a pity!