[GeoNetwork-users] GAST can not export the metadata which has uppercase char in the uuid section!

hi all,
I have a metadata which has a uppercase char in uuid section, like"NGCC-sales-10250".
And it can not export.
Because of the dbms SQL words is in lowercase,for example
("select * from Metadata where uuid = ?", uuid), the uuid returned is in lowercase,
  but in database it is uppercase in the field, so GN can not get the id of the row,
then can not get the metadata.
But there are a lot of functions need the way to get id from uuid in the database.
                                                                                           zha zhuhua


Hi Zha,
Please have a look at the UUID specification here: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt that describes that UUIDs use lower case for all alphanumeric values. We follow the UUID spec and so I suggest you make sure your metadata will also do that. You could have GeoNetwork generate UUIDs for you if you import the records with the UUID field empty (in ISO 19115/19139 that is gmd:fileIdentifier).

On Feb 25, 2008, at 6:22 AM, zhuhua zha wrote:

hi all,
I have a metadata which has a uppercase char in uuid section, like"NGCC-sales-10250".
And it can not export.
Because of the dbms SQL words is in lowercase,for example
("select * from Metadata where uuid = ?", uuid), the uuid returned is in lowercase,
but in database it is uppercase in the field, so GN can not get the id of the row,
then can not get the metadata.
But there are a lot of functions need the way to get id from uuid in the database.

                                                                                          zha zhuhua

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