Dear all, some news on the link between Cartoweb and GeoNetwork.
2 new plugins for cartoweb are in beta version :
- Plugin catalog is used to query GeoNetwork nodes and search for WMS layers in an area of interest. Search and add the layer to your cartoweb map.
- Plugin wmsBrowserLight has a list of WMS servers. This list is coming from a GeoNetwork node providing metadata on services. Select a server, Search for layers using its capabilities and then add the layer to your cartoweb map.
A demo is available here :
For example, you could search in catalog for “nitrate” in GN node of the Sandre or for “population” in FAO node.
Plugins could login to GN node and could be used to open InteractiveMap of a GN node as described on the community website. They are using GeoNetwork XML services to search for metadata … later maybe we should use CSW2 spec !
If you want to test the plugins do not hesitate to contact us … I’ll update the community website in order to download them.
Ciao. Francois & Mathieu
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