Hi francois,
I confirm you the interest to implement the ISO19119 in GN to use in Geosource. I'll split in 3 tasks :
1 / Add a new schema in GN with 19119 implementation and definition of specific template to access it.
2 / Allow the link between an service MD and Data MD. If you create a Service MD, a specific field allows to link ("OperatesOn") with datasets. With data MD, no link available with 19115 standarsd. In GN, two solutions to manage the link :
- add a link table of MD. This table allows to manage the link 19115/19119, but also 19115/19115, 19115 / 19119 and so one.
- use only the OperatesOn attribute in the 19119 standards.
I prefer the first solution but need a "important" change of GN.
3 / Create a useful interface to add the link between the two metadata. I explain. Currently, When you create a MD 19115 (or 19139), you could quickly add a WMS address (in distribution/onlineresource). With 19119, you have to create a specific service 19119 file to identify the WMS address (it's a service !). Perhaps the use of subtemplates but I don't really success in using with beta version...
A first proposition for the discussion...
De : geonetwork-devel-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:geonetwork-devel-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net] De la part de François Prunayre
Envoyé : vendredi 6 avril 2007 08:12
À : geonetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : [GeoNetwork-devel] ISO19119
Hi, anyone working on implementing ISO19119 (Geographic information : services) in Geonetwork ? I will be interested on discussing that topic if some of you are working on that.
Thanks for any feedback.
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