Hi Denis,
The command line installation requires a configuration file. You can create the configuration file (and XML document) by running the installer on e.g. Windows and store the script at the end of the installation process. That is an optional feature available when using the server (!) installation.
Once you have such a configuration file, you can edit it with a text editor and use it for the linux installation. The command would than be:
/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_06/jre/bin/java -jar geonetwork-intermap-2.0.2-install.jar configuration.xml
and the installation will run in the terminal.
Hope this helps, ciao,
On Sep 6, 2006, at 7:08 PM, Diaz, Denis (CIP) wrote:
Hi Jeroen,
I’m not using graphic interface only command line maybe for this reason was necessary ‘XFree86-server’.
Path of java and content are:
remote-1:~ # ls /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_06/jre/bin/
. ControlPanel java javaws kinit ktab pack200 rmid servertool unpack200
… java_vm keytool klist orbd policytool rmiregistry tnameserv
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeroen Ticheler [mailto:Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 2:56 PM
To: Diaz, Denis (CIP)
Cc: CIP-Students GIS (CIP)
Subject: Re: Geonetwork for LinuxHi Denis,
The steps are:
download the installer named geonetwork-intermap-2.0.2-install.jar
make sure a java runtime environment has been installed. You can
download Java JRE 1.5 from the sun website: http://java.sun.com
install the JRE (use all defaults)
install the GeoNetwork application from the graphical user
interface of your linux machine (e.g. using KDE or GNOME). You do
this by opening a terminal and type the command
java -jar geonetwork-intermap-2.0.2-install.jar
You may have to specifically add the path to your JRE to your
Environment variables (to the PATH ). You can also make sure you
point to the java executable by typing the full file location in the
/usr/local/java1.5/bin/java -jar geonetwork-intermap-2.0.2-install.jar
Make sure the path is an existing one
There is no need for any other software like VNC! Eventually you
could use Tomcat 5 instead of the embedded Jetty, but that’s not
needed at first.
Good luck,
On Sep 5, 2006, at 9:42 PM, Diaz, Denis (CIP) wrote:
Hi Jeroen,
I’m Denis Díaz from International Potato Center, now I’m working
with Darwin trying to install geonetwork.
We’ve treated to install many times, the first time the error
message says that we need a vnc server and we have installed it,
later when we’ve treated to install the geonetwork it doesn’t work,
doesn’t show an error message I was waiting several minutes for
results of installation and it doesn’t appear.
Do you know why it happens?
Thanks a lot and regards,
Denis Díaz
-----Original Message-----
From: CIP-Students GIS (CIP)
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 10:20 PM
To: Diaz, Denis (CIP)
Subject: FW: Geonetwork for Linux
Hola Dennis.
Parece que es facil instalar Geonetwork en Linux.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeroen Ticheler [mailto:Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com]
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 4:36 PM
To: CIP-Students GIS (CIP)
Subject: Re: Geonetwork for Linux
Dear Darwin,
Sure, we’ll send you the CD so I’m sure you get at least a copy.
However, you can simply start the server (and actually also windows)
installer on a Linux machine by running it from the command line
(terminal). For this you start it with the following command:
java -jar geonetwork-intermap-2.0.2-install.jar
Good luck,