[GeoNetwork-users] geonetwork through proxypass

I'm running Geonetwork in an intranet machine. I have access to Internet with a proxy machine (proxypass) with these urls's:

http://mymachine:8081 -> http://www.internetmachine.com/somedir/

I have no chance to manage internetmachine to trick this proxypass. Pages of Geonetwork are visible from internet but generated HTML content contains references to href="/geonetwork/alink" and src="/geonetwork/animage.gif", instead of href="/somedir/geonetwork/alink" and src="/somedir/geonetwork/animage.gif" breaking stylesheets, links and images.

Looking into xsl files I see {/root/gui/url} var. Can I modify that variable?


Eduin Yezid Carrillo Vega

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