Jeroen et al.:
The difficulties importing ESRI_ISO.XML (or any other XML which purports ISO
compliance) has to do with two larger issues, I think:
1) How "flexible" is the XML import/parsing process in GeoNetwork, and
how can it be made as tolerant as possible for importing XML files which are
"kind of" ISO-19139-ish? (Sub-issues: how will the parse/import process
deal with different classes of "problems" such as missing elements, extended
elements, schema differences, mismatched data types, etc.???)
2) What version of ISO-19139 will be incorporated into GeoNetwork, and
how easy will it be for users to upgrade/modify that version? Will
GeoNetwork contain and rely on the entire schema, which can then be altered,
or will there be complex logic that interprets the schema (and therefore
would have to be modified and tested when the schema changes)?
There is an unofficial version of the ISO-19139-TS schema posted on the web;
as I understand things, it is the version forwarded to the 22nd plenary
meeting of ISO/TC 211 held in Orlando, FL (US) in May. ISO-19139 was
scheduled for discussion at the meeting, but there were substantial
comments/objections documented by several countries during the DTS review
I have not heard results of the May meeting, but I expect that there is
still some work to be done to gain consensus. Bottom line -- my best guess
here -- a truly "final" TS version of ISO-19139 is in gestation NOW
(following the May meeting), will emerge from ISO sometime in coming months,
and may take some time from that point to stabilize. (Don't forget the
corrigenda: certain some problems will be noted as people go to work
implementing applications.)
So if ISO-19139 is truly the Holy Grail of interoperable, exchangeable
metadata, how long will it take all users to stabilize on a "final" version,
and to modify their applications to include import/export functions that are
somewhat forgiving?
Bruce Westcott
Geospatial Metadata Consultant
Marshfield, Vermont 05658 -- USA
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 18:31:17 +0200
From: Jeroen Ticheler <>
Subject: Re: [GeoNetwork-users] compatibility with arc catalog
To: Carl Anderson <>
Cc: Ursula Hoernes <>,
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; delsp=yes; charset=US-ASCII
Thanks Carl!
Can this be written up slightly more structured so I can include in
in the Community website for people to refer to?
Note that in GeoNetwork 2.1 metadata will be validated against
ISO19139. We expect that to be ready as a release around September
this year.
Have a good weekend,
On Jun 2, 2006, at 4:53 AM, Carl Anderson wrote:
We ran into a similar issue when importing both FGDC-std conforming
metadata and ArcCatalog metadata.
depending on the import method if the file starts with
<? xml .... ?>
The error Ursula saw occurs.
If you manually edit the file stripping the <?xml ... ?> comment
the import works fine.
Note that the <?xml ... ?> comment is NOT stored in the database
and is added by the stylesheets when editing or reviewing.
Once imported geonetwork mostly ignores the xml tags it does not
Of course Arc Catalog metadata is an extension to fgdc-std (CSDGM
v2.0) metadata and the extensions are not always honored.
Instead of converting
Arc Catalog -> fgdc-std (CSDGM v2.0) -> ISO 19115 -> ISO 19139
(CSDGM v3.0?)
Locally we are working on stylesheets for
Arc Catalog -> ISO 19139 ( CSDGM v3.0?)
CSDGM V2.0 -> ISO 19139 ( CSDGM v3.0?)
we do note that
ISO19139 is not yet official, it appears to be at the DIS stage.
US FGDC is expected to adopt ISO19139 as CSDGM v3.0.
Carl Anderson
GIS Manager
Fulton County, Georgia, USA