Dear all,
It took me a little bit more time to get the Release Cadidate 0 together and published, but it is now online at (or GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog - Browse /GeoNetwork_opensource at )
The code for this release has been put on a branch 2.2.x and we will only commit small improvements and fixes to that branch as they come up.
This is NOT a stable version and should not be used in production environments. Further releases are planned every two weeks. These are RC1, RC2 and the Final release.
Please report problems by submitting a ticket at
On behalf of all the GeoNetwork developers, enjoy!
=== GeoNetwork 2.2.0 RC0: List of changes
---- New
- Added User Quick Start Guide in pdf form
- Added direct link to open WMS services in Google Earth
- Added schematron validation
- Added OAI-PMH server protocol
- Added OAI-PMH harvesting type
- Added 'portal.get' and 'portal.sources' services
- GAST : Added console logging
- Added search criteria for downloadable and interactive maps
- Added text only search results for low bandwitdh connections
- Added metadata popularity concept (used to sort search results)
- Added metadata rating system (used to sort search results). It is possible
to rate remote metadata harvested using the geonetwork's harvesting type.
--- Changes
- Added new link following Atom / RSS type of structures
- Removed Oracle JDBC driver due to license incompatibility.
Driver can be downloaded from Oracle Technology Network by the user.
- All headers of Java classes have been checked and GNU-GPL license and
copyright statements have been added where missing.
- GeoRSS output for search and latest updates have been harmonized.
Both now support georss:box, georss:point or georss:where with a gml:Envelope
output for the geo part.
- Added mapServer.xml configuration files that were missing in SVN, but were
in the release.
- Added 'sources' to search summary
- Now the mef.export service is accessible to users. Export is limited by metadata
--- Bugs fixed
- Fixed the date range search in advanced search
- Fixed transfer ownership bug: the target group was not properly set
- GAST : Fixed path in the migration procedure. Added the possibility to migrate
GeoNetworks running on Tomcat.
- LDAP : passwords are now scrambled. Avoided admin login
- Editor : Fixed upload bug
- Fixed bug in privileges management : it was not possible to clear privileges
for administrators and reviewer that were metadata owners
- Fixed NullPointerException in HTTP transaction handler in InterMap
- Fixed Windows installation problem with incorrect JRE requirements on install
of the version that includes a JRE
- Fixed appearing and then disappearing metadata display in IE7
- Fixed some bugs to geonetwork 2.0 harvesting type
- Fixed thumbnails display on metadata harvested from a geonetwork 2.0 node
--- Known issues
- Some of the metadata display links do not open as embedded view while they should
- The Map Viewer "Add note" function is not fully functional yet
- The overview map does not automatically refresh when adding a new layer from the metadata