Hi All,
I have recently looked at NASA's World Wind ( http://worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/
). It is Open Source Java software that allows 3D viewing of data. I
believe that it is a OGC compliant Web Map Common interface but I'm not sure.
I have been asked in the past if the interface that I manage will allow
viewing of 3D data. My answer is no. Most people then go to Google Earth
and we have lost so many people to the non ISO TC211 and non OGC compliant
I was wondering if World Wind would be an alternative to Inter Map so that 3D
viewing is possible. I was also wondering if anyone knows of a comparison of
World Wind and Google Earth.
Any thoughts?
John Hockaday
Geoscience Australia
GPO Box 378
Canberra ACT 2601
(02) 6249 9735