Hi Jason, regions.rdf is by default an external thesaurus, which means
that it's readonly in the admin interface. The thesaurus is used for
keyword editing only.
If you want to change the region list in the search interface of the
bbox editor, you need to update the Region and RegionsDesc in the database.
HTH. Francois
Pickering, Jason wrote:
> Hi There.
> How are things? Busy after the Rome meeting?
> I need to edit the regions.rdf file in Geonetwork.
> I tried to use ThManager, but did not seem to work. Any ideas about
> tools that I could use?
> Best regards,
> Jason
> ---
> Jason Pickering - Technical Officer
> GIS Specialist
> Public Health Mapping and GIS
> World Health Organization
> 20, Avenue Appia
> 1211 Geneva 27
> Switzerland
> Tel: +41 22 791 5403
> Fax: +41 22 791 4878
> email:pickeringj@anonymised.com