[GeoNetwork-users] I'm facing a problem

Dear Hanem Ibrahim,

you may find below a summary of the tutorial Publish data and metadata which is published on the Community website

( http://geonetwork-opensource.org/documentation/tutorial/publisher/linkingdata ).

This tutorial guides the users through the process of creating new metadata entries. The point 4, Linking data for download, is the answer to your specific question.

For any other question on data and metadata publication don’t hesitate to contact me, I’m working for the GeoNetwork node in FAO.


Patrizia Monteduro

GEON****ETWORK <<www.fao.org/geonetwork>>

Environment and Natural Resources Service (SDRN)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)

Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome ITALY

Room F815; Tel. +39 06 570 54769; Fax +39 06 570 53369


Uploading a dataset

  1. The linkage field can be left empty when uploading a file. The system will take care of filling it out.

  2. Select the correct protocol to be used which is File for download. If you do not see an upload button when “File for download” is selected, save the metadata and return to the upload section. The Browse button should have appeared now.

  3. Provide a short description of the data;

  4. The field Name can be left empty. It will be filled automatically during the upload with the name of the file;

  5. Click the Browse button and navigate to the folder where the file to be released is stored. If you needs to upload more than one file provide a unique zip file, including both data and all documents that supply to the users additional information related to the data described. Note: the size of the file to upload can not exceed 30 Mbytes.

  6. Click Upload;

  7. Save the metadata.

-----Original Message-----
From: geonetwork-users-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:geonetwork-users-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of IBRAHIM, Mrs Hanem HIT/ISM
Sent: 09 November 2006 13:39
To: geonetwork-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [GeoNetwork-users] I’m facing a problem

Dear Sir,

When I tried to download a map from my geonetwork site, an error has been occurred “directory is not found”

I need to know what are the exact steps to publish a layer then able to download it.

Thanks in advance

Hanem Ibrahim

GIS Specilaist