When requiring localhost:8080/intermap, i get a sun.awt.X11.X11Toolkit
I guess it should be either a rights issue, or a runlevel issue, tomcat
trying to access to X11 library at a runlevel it is not allowed to (as a
server, it shall not depend on X11, should it ?)
Does it give any idea to someone ?
2009/3/12 Christian Gadge <christian.gadge@anonymised.com>
Hello Jean,
no so far I didn' solve the problem. It appears since I implemented GN2.2.
The former installation of GN2.1 which I installed on a linux machine (local
folder) works fine.
Now I tried to run as root... Intermap doesn't work or rather geoserver.
That's why I assume that there has to be set correct rights. But the
installation of GN2.2 on different machines in local or system folder
results the same problem.
So far I'm still interested how it could be solved...
Let's rely on the mailing list.
----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
Von: "Jean Pommier (IGE)" <jean.pommier@anonymised.com>
Datum: Donnerstag, 12. März 2009, 9:58
Betreff: Re: [GeoNetwork-users] Intermap does not display a map
An: Christian Gadge <christian.gadge@anonymised.com>
Cc: geonetwork-users <geonetwork-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Hi,
> I'm having the same problem right now : no map shown in the intermap
window and <imgUrl>/usr/local/geonetwork/web/intermap/tmp//null</imgUrl> in
the log.
> Did you solve it ?
> Do anyone have an idea ?
> Thanks
> Jean
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2009/1/26 Christian Gadge <christian.gadge@anonymised.com>
> Dear all,
> I've still trouble with my GN installation, more precisely no map is
loaded in intermap.
> I found some threads in the nabble forum which focus the problem but non
of the suggestions solved my problem.
> I installed GN2.2 with jetty on a ubuntu server as root. When I start
GeoNetwork, Intermap starts loading but no map is shown. I checked '
http://myIP:8080/geoserver/’ but geoserver doesn't work:
> HTTP ERROR: 404/geoserver/ Not FoundWhen I look into the intermap.log
there I found:
> <imgUrl>/usr/local/geonetwork/web/intermap/tmp//null</imgUrl>
> The requested image is null?! Maybe rights to read/write files into the
tmp-dir are required. So I changed the rights for \ ...\geonetwork\web for
'www-data' (what is the webserver) and also for 'root' and gave full rights
to read/write/access, but nothing changed.
> What could solve the problem?
> Regards,
> Christian
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