[GeoNetwork-users] ISO 19115 Metadata Editor Review Published

Hi all,
I invite you to check out the metadata editor review that FGDC conducted and draw the conclusions for yourself :wink:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Lynda Wayne <Lwayne@anonymised.com>
Date: August 11, 2008 6:58:50 PM GMT+02:00

The ISO 19115 Metadata Editor review lead by the US Federal Geographic
Data Committee (FGDC) Metadata Working Group is now available online
ISO Metadata Editor Review — Federal Geographic Data Committee

The review was limited to ISO 19115 based metadata editors and does
not include applications limited to:
- metadata standards other than ISO 19115
- metadata validation, distribution or other non-editor metadata operations.

FGDC will provide regular updates to the compiled results as
additional editors and features, including support for the ISO 19115
North American Profile (NAP), emerge. Only those ISO Metadata Editors
for which the developers provided 'Feature Review' information are
included. Developers interested in including information about
additional editors or users interested in participating in the 'User
Review' of current or additional editors can contact the FGDC at
Federal Geographic Data Committee. At this time, two additional
editors, CATMDEdit
and terraCatalog, are undergoing review and will be added when complete.

Thank you to all that participated in the review effort --

Lynda Wayne, GISP
Federal Geographic Data Committee / GeoMaxim
1.828.254.4134 (office)
1.828.254.9547 (fax)