Dear all,
I have installed geonetwork 2.1 in Ubuntu following the tutorial from the
It seems that the map viewer that comes to make a spatial search does not
load the blue marble image. Moreover, if I enter in localhost:8080/intermap/
I get no image and the following message at the bottom: Exception
'im_redrawMarkers is not defined'
However, if I load a WMS layer like the Countries from the DEMIS Worl Map
Server, and then restarts the geonetwork homepage, the same map that is
displayed in intermap is visualized in the small map viewer. And I’m also
able to make and spatial search.
I have find some similar problems in this forum but not a concrete
solution...It would be possible that the problem comes because I did not
installed the sample data as is suggested in the tutorial? Could you help
with this issue, please? I could give you more details regarding the
installation if you find suitable to solve the problem.
Best regards
David March Morlà
Doctorando / PhD student
Instituto Mediterraneo de Estudios Avanzados (UIB-CSIC)
C/Miquel Marqués, 21
07190 Esporles
Islas Baleares - Spain
Tel: +34 971 610 896
Fax: +34 971 611 761
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