Hi John,
I'm responsible for the search interface you mentioned.
The "where+what+when=search" uses YUI TabView with Reid Burke's
"yodeler" scrolling add-on (http://reidburke.com/yui/). The extent
search uses OpenLayers and a modified version of its zoom
functionality to grab an area of interest. The temporal search (not
fully employed yet) is YUI Calendar, and the actual search results are
a heavily modified version of Geonetwork's search results stylesheets.
I think it's safe to call our work here pre-beta at this point, but
you are welcome to any of the code there. If you want to look at any
of the files you can't access over the web (xslt, for example) or have
a question, just let me know.
Joseph Gilbert
Scholars' Lab Coordinator
Digital Research & Scholarship
University of Virginia Library
From: <John.Hockaday@anonymised.com>
Date: November 11, 2008 5:37:29 PM EST
To: <ajs6f@anonymised.com>, <geonetwork-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: RE: [GeoNetwork-users] Performance metrics and recommended
production environment characteristics [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Hi A. Soroka,
I really like the search term specification method that you use. IE. Where
+ what + when + search. It is very intuitive. Are you willing to share the
code that is used to do that?
-----Original Message-----
From: ajs6f [mailto:ajs6f@anonymised.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 11 November 2008 4:24 AM
To: Geonetwork Users
Subject: Re: [GeoNetwork-users] Performance metrics and
recommended production environment characteristics
We're feeling pretty comfortable with a big Dell 8-core 24GB box:
We have only a small datastore right now. We're using PostgreSQL as
backend, Tomcat6 as servlet container. We expect that any scaling
issues will be resolved by clustering PostgreSQL and Tomcat
A. Soroka / Digital Scholarship Services R & D
the University of Virginia Library
On Nov 10, 2008, at 11:59 AM, Jan Cees Venema (UNSDI-NCO) wrote:
Hi enlisted (geo)networkers!
In reply to cenesdelavega: Our node doesn't perform too bad! Check
it out at www.geonetwork.nl
No complaints heard so far on it's performance (in two years now
over 15.000 downloads from users in 120 countries!)
Jan Cees Venema
e: jcvenema@anonymised.com
t: (+31)-(0)20 5113607
m: (+31)-(0)64 9987084
a: Kornwerd 72
1274 AM Huizen
The Netherlands
w: www.unsdi.nl
UNSDI-NCO's email is covered by this disclaimer
----- Original Message -----
From: cenesdelavega
To: geonetwork-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [GeoNetwork-users] Performance metrics and recommended
production environment characteristics
I'm also interested in this - to paraphrase my team leader: "why is
site on the geonetwork "nodes" page slower than heck?" (we are
trying to
decide to use GeoNetwork, or roll our own).
heikki doeleman wrote:
Hello lists,
has anyone ever done any performance testing with GeoNetwork ? If
so would
you be willing to share the results ?
I'm also looking for recommendations on a production
environment for
GeoNetwork. RAM, diskspace, which servlet container to use, etc.
Thanks in advance for your responses !
Heikki Doeleman
GeoNetwork-users mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at