[GeoNetwork-users] please update Ubuntu-GeoNetwork how to

Thanks Renfigo,
I updated the Howto.

On Aug 9, 2008, at 5:45 PM, rengifoo@anonymised.com wrote:

You are receiving this mail because Rengifo Ortega
is sending feedback about the site administered by you at http://geonetwork-opensource.org.
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How to install v2.0.3 on Ubuntu Look into step 9 called "Change default MySQL root user password" [this doesn't work] update user set password=password(’mynewpassword’) where user=’root’; [this is the new syntax for mysql version 6 ] UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('newpassword') WHERE User='root'; Otherwise thanks a lot it has been until know a great "HOW TO" Rengifo Ortega www.sft.no

GeoNetwork opensource Administrator