[GeoNetwork-users] Problems with Dublin Core

Hi Jeroen!

Could you help me, please.

When I'm trying to create new Dublin Core metadata, GeoNetwork says
something like that: "Operation could not be performed", and message appears
in the log file:
"2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 ERROR [jeeves.service] - Exception when executing
2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 ERROR [jeeves.service] - (C) Exc :
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mismatch between schema and xml: No type
for 'element' : dc:title with parent simpledc
2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 DEBUG [jeeves.service] - Raised exception while
executing service
<error id="error">
  <message>Mismatch between schema and xml: No type for 'element' : dc:title
with parent simpledc</message>
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.schema.MetadataSchema" file="
MetadataSchema.java" line="89" method="getElementType" />
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java" line="541"
method="expandElement" />
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file=" EditLib.java"
line="464" method="expandTree" />
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java" line="473"
method="expandTree" />
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java" line="130"
method="addEditingInfo" />
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.DataManager" file=" DataManager.java"
line="643" method="getMetadata" />
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.services.metadata.GetEditableData" file="
GetEditableData.java" line="72" method="exec" />
    <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo" file="ServiceInfo.java"
line="238" method="execService" />
    <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo " file="
ServiceInfo.java" line="141" method="execServices" />
    <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceManager" file="
ServiceManager.java" line="372" method="dispatch" />
    <forward service=" metadata.create" />
2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> dispatching to error
for : metadata.edit
2007-10-07 16:39:41,671 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> transforming with
stylesheet : C:\GeoNetwork\web\geonetwork\/xsl/error.xsl
2007-10-07 16:39:41,765 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> end error
transformation for : metadata.edit
2007-10-07 16:39:41,765 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> error ended for :
I have to fix it up as soon as possible.
Please help me, I'll really appreciate it.

PS: If this problem is already fixed, please tell me where I can get
(I don't want to download full distribution again.)

Thank You,
Igor V. Burago

Hi Igor,
Yes, the problem was know just before the release :frowning:

It has now been resolved for what concerns the editing. The updated code is in the SVN code repository and will be part of a fix release soon. This doe snot help you very much I guess, except when you build the application from SVN.

I discovered a new error I think in that after editing and saving, the record is not properly indexed and hence not found in the results. I'll file a bug report for that to make sure that's also resolved before the fix release.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

On Oct 13, 2007, at 7:01 AM, Igor V. Burago wrote:

Hi Jeroen!

Could you help me, please.

When I'm trying to create new Dublin Core metadata, GeoNetwork says something like that: "Operation could not be performed", and message appears in the log file:
"2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 ERROR [jeeves.service] - Exception when executing service
2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 ERROR [jeeves.service] - (C) Exc : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mismatch between schema and xml: No type for 'element' : dc:title with parent simpledc
2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 DEBUG [jeeves.service] - Raised exception while executing service
<error id="error">
  <message>Mismatch between schema and xml: No type for 'element' : dc:title with parent simpledc</message>
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.schema.MetadataSchema" file="MetadataSchema.java" line="89" method="getElementType" />
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java" line="541" method="expandElement" />
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file=" EditLib.java" line="464" method="expandTree" />
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java" line="473" method="expandTree" />
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java" line="130" method="addEditingInfo" />
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.DataManager" file=" DataManager.java" line="643" method="getMetadata" />
    <at class="org.fao.geonet.services.metadata.GetEditableData" file="GetEditableData.java" line="72" method="exec" />
    <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo" file="ServiceInfo.java" line="238" method="execService" />
    <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo " file="ServiceInfo.java" line="141" method="execServices" />
    <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceManager" file="ServiceManager.java" line="372" method="dispatch" />
    <forward service=" metadata.create" />
2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> dispatching to error for : metadata.edit
2007-10-07 16:39:41,671 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> transforming with stylesheet : C:\GeoNetwork\web\geonetwork\/xsl/error.xsl
2007-10-07 16:39:41,765 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> end error transformation for : metadata.edit
2007-10-07 16:39:41,765 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> error ended for : metadata.edit".
I have to fix it up as soon as possible.
Please help me, I'll really appreciate it.

PS: If this problem is already fixed, please tell me where I can get solution.
(I don't want to download full distribution again.)

Thank You,
Igor V. Burago

Hi Simon!

Yes, I'm using 2.1 final release. (Patch isn't necessary for 2.0.3.)
I need to make a stable system using GeoNetwork as soon as possible.
If my attempts with 2.1 will be unsuccessful, then I switch back to 2.0.3.

Thank You,
Igor V. Burago

2007/10/15, Jeroen Ticheler <Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com>:

Hi Igor,
Yes, the problem was know just before the release :frowning:

It has now been resolved for what concerns the editing. The updated
code is in the SVN code repository and will be part of a fix release
soon. This doe snot help you very much I guess, except when you build
the application from SVN.

I discovered a new error I think in that after editing and saving,
the record is not properly indexed and hence not found in the
results. I'll file a bug report for that to make sure that's also
resolved before the fix release.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

On Oct 13, 2007, at 7:01 AM, Igor V. Burago wrote:

> Hi Jeroen!
> Could you help me, please.
> When I'm trying to create new Dublin Core metadata, GeoNetwork says
> something like that: "Operation could not be performed", and
> message appears in the log file:
> "2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 ERROR [jeeves.service] - Exception when
> executing service
> 2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 ERROR [jeeves.service] - (C) Exc :
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mismatch between schema and
> xml: No type for 'element' : dc:title with parent simpledc
> 2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 DEBUG [jeeves.service] - Raised exception
> while executing service
> <error id="error">
> <message>Mismatch between schema and xml: No type for 'element' :
> dc:title with parent simpledc</message>
> <class>IllegalArgumentException</class>
> <stack>
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.schema.MetadataSchema"
> file="MetadataSchema.java" line="89" method="getElementType" />
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java"
> line="541" method="expandElement" />
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file=" EditLib.java"
> line="464" method="expandTree" />
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java"
> line="473" method="expandTree" />
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java"
> line="130" method="addEditingInfo" />
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.DataManager" file="
> DataManager.java" line="643" method="getMetadata" />
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.services.metadata.GetEditableData"
> file="GetEditableData.java" line="72" method="exec" />
> <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo"
> file="ServiceInfo.java" line="238" method="execService" />
> <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo "
> file="ServiceInfo.java" line="141" method="execServices" />
> <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceManager"
> file="ServiceManager.java" line="372" method="dispatch" />
> </stack>
> <request>
> <language>ru</language>
> <service>metadata.edit</service>
> </request>
> <request>
> <id>8</id>
> <forward service=" metadata.create" />
> </request>
> </error>
> 2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> dispatching
> to error for : metadata.edit
> 2007-10-07 16:39:41,671 INFO [jeeves.service] - ->
> transforming with stylesheet : C:\GeoNetwork\web\geonetwork\/xsl/
> error.xsl
> 2007-10-07 16:39:41,765 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> end error
> transformation for : metadata.edit
> 2007-10-07 16:39:41,765 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> error ended
> for : metadata.edit".
> I have to fix it up as soon as possible.
> Please help me, I'll really appreciate it.
> PS: If this problem is already fixed, please tell me where I can
> get solution.
> (I don't want to download full distribution again.)
> Thank You,
> Igor V. Burago