Hi Jeroen!
Could you help me, please.
When I'm trying to create new Dublin Core metadata, GeoNetwork says
something like that: "Operation could not be performed", and message appears
in the log file:
"2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 ERROR [jeeves.service] - Exception when executing
2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 ERROR [jeeves.service] - (C) Exc :
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mismatch between schema and xml: No type
for 'element' : dc:title with parent simpledc
2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 DEBUG [jeeves.service] - Raised exception while
executing service
<error id="error">
<message>Mismatch between schema and xml: No type for 'element' : dc:title
with parent simpledc</message>
<at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.schema.MetadataSchema" file="
MetadataSchema.java" line="89" method="getElementType" />
<at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java" line="541"
method="expandElement" />
<at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file=" EditLib.java"
line="464" method="expandTree" />
<at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java" line="473"
method="expandTree" />
<at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java" line="130"
method="addEditingInfo" />
<at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.DataManager" file=" DataManager.java"
line="643" method="getMetadata" />
<at class="org.fao.geonet.services.metadata.GetEditableData" file="
GetEditableData.java" line="72" method="exec" />
<at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo" file="ServiceInfo.java"
line="238" method="execService" />
<at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo " file="
ServiceInfo.java" line="141" method="execServices" />
<at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceManager" file="
ServiceManager.java" line="372" method="dispatch" />
<forward service=" metadata.create" />
2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> dispatching to error
for : metadata.edit
2007-10-07 16:39:41,671 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> transforming with
stylesheet : C:\GeoNetwork\web\geonetwork\/xsl/error.xsl
2007-10-07 16:39:41,765 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> end error
transformation for : metadata.edit
2007-10-07 16:39:41,765 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> error ended for :
I have to fix it up as soon as possible.
Please help me, I'll really appreciate it.
PS: If this problem is already fixed, please tell me where I can get
(I don't want to download full distribution again.)
Thank You,
Igor V. Burago
Hi Igor,
Yes, the problem was know just before the release
It has now been resolved for what concerns the editing. The updated code is in the SVN code repository and will be part of a fix release soon. This doe snot help you very much I guess, except when you build the application from SVN.
I discovered a new error I think in that after editing and saving, the record is not properly indexed and hence not found in the results. I'll file a bug report for that to make sure that's also resolved before the fix release.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
On Oct 13, 2007, at 7:01 AM, Igor V. Burago wrote:
Hi Jeroen!
Could you help me, please.
When I'm trying to create new Dublin Core metadata, GeoNetwork says something like that: "Operation could not be performed", and message appears in the log file:
"2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 ERROR [jeeves.service] - Exception when executing service
2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 ERROR [jeeves.service] - (C) Exc : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mismatch between schema and xml: No type for 'element' : dc:title with parent simpledc
2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 DEBUG [jeeves.service] - Raised exception while executing service
<error id="error">
<message>Mismatch between schema and xml: No type for 'element' : dc:title with parent simpledc</message>
<at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.schema.MetadataSchema" file="MetadataSchema.java" line="89" method="getElementType" />
<at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java" line="541" method="expandElement" />
<at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file=" EditLib.java" line="464" method="expandTree" />
<at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java" line="473" method="expandTree" />
<at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java" line="130" method="addEditingInfo" />
<at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.DataManager" file=" DataManager.java" line="643" method="getMetadata" />
<at class="org.fao.geonet.services.metadata.GetEditableData" file="GetEditableData.java" line="72" method="exec" />
<at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo" file="ServiceInfo.java" line="238" method="execService" />
<at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo " file="ServiceInfo.java" line="141" method="execServices" />
<at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceManager" file="ServiceManager.java" line="372" method="dispatch" />
<forward service=" metadata.create" />
2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> dispatching to error for : metadata.edit
2007-10-07 16:39:41,671 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> transforming with stylesheet : C:\GeoNetwork\web\geonetwork\/xsl/error.xsl
2007-10-07 16:39:41,765 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> end error transformation for : metadata.edit
2007-10-07 16:39:41,765 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> error ended for : metadata.edit".
I have to fix it up as soon as possible.
Please help me, I'll really appreciate it.
PS: If this problem is already fixed, please tell me where I can get solution.
(I don't want to download full distribution again.)
Thank You,
Igor V. Burago
Hi Simon!
Yes, I'm using 2.1 final release. (Patch isn't necessary for 2.0.3.)
I need to make a stable system using GeoNetwork as soon as possible.
If my attempts with 2.1 will be unsuccessful, then I switch back to 2.0.3.
Thank You,
Igor V. Burago
2007/10/15, Jeroen Ticheler <Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com>:
Hi Igor,
Yes, the problem was know just before the release
It has now been resolved for what concerns the editing. The updated
code is in the SVN code repository and will be part of a fix release
soon. This doe snot help you very much I guess, except when you build
the application from SVN.
I discovered a new error I think in that after editing and saving,
the record is not properly indexed and hence not found in the
results. I'll file a bug report for that to make sure that's also
resolved before the fix release.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
On Oct 13, 2007, at 7:01 AM, Igor V. Burago wrote:
> Hi Jeroen!
> Could you help me, please.
> When I'm trying to create new Dublin Core metadata, GeoNetwork says
> something like that: "Operation could not be performed", and
> message appears in the log file:
> "2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 ERROR [jeeves.service] - Exception when
> executing service
> 2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 ERROR [jeeves.service] - (C) Exc :
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mismatch between schema and
> xml: No type for 'element' : dc:title with parent simpledc
> 2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 DEBUG [jeeves.service] - Raised exception
> while executing service
> <error id="error">
> <message>Mismatch between schema and xml: No type for 'element' :
> dc:title with parent simpledc</message>
> <class>IllegalArgumentException</class>
> <stack>
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.schema.MetadataSchema"
> file="MetadataSchema.java" line="89" method="getElementType" />
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java"
> line="541" method="expandElement" />
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file=" EditLib.java"
> line="464" method="expandTree" />
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java"
> line="473" method="expandTree" />
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.EditLib" file="EditLib.java"
> line="130" method="addEditingInfo" />
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.kernel.DataManager" file="
> DataManager.java" line="643" method="getMetadata" />
> <at class="org.fao.geonet.services.metadata.GetEditableData"
> file="GetEditableData.java" line="72" method="exec" />
> <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo"
> file="ServiceInfo.java" line="238" method="execService" />
> <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceInfo "
> file="ServiceInfo.java" line="141" method="execServices" />
> <at class="jeeves.server.dispatchers.ServiceManager"
> file="ServiceManager.java" line="372" method="dispatch" />
> </stack>
> <request>
> <language>ru</language>
> <service>metadata.edit</service>
> </request>
> <request>
> <id>8</id>
> <forward service=" metadata.create" />
> </request>
> </error>
> 2007-10-07 16:39:41,296 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> dispatching
> to error for : metadata.edit
> 2007-10-07 16:39:41,671 INFO [jeeves.service] - ->
> transforming with stylesheet : C:\GeoNetwork\web\geonetwork\/xsl/
> error.xsl
> 2007-10-07 16:39:41,765 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> end error
> transformation for : metadata.edit
> 2007-10-07 16:39:41,765 INFO [jeeves.service] - -> error ended
> for : metadata.edit".
> I have to fix it up as soon as possible.
> Please help me, I'll really appreciate it.
> PS: If this problem is already fixed, please tell me where I can
> get solution.
> (I don't want to download full distribution again.)
> Thank You,
> Igor V. Burago