HI all,
We have the pleasure to announce the publication of a french "customisation" of GeoNetwork, named Geosource.
Geosource, based on the 2.0.3 of GN, has been specialized for French users to manage all metadata with the national profile of 19115 standards. But, the development was also the opportunity to:
- finish the translation of all terms and definition (in particular 19115 metadata);
- add thesaurus management with SKOS standards
- add export 19139 XML functionality with the enhancement of the GN migration tool.
- Add import 19139 XML functionality and 19139 - French profile
- add SRS dictionary import / export with the respect of the 19111 standards about projection systems and use in the metadata editor tool.
- add the capabilities to describe metadata about attributes (the table associated to the dataset) with the implementation of a simplified version of the 19110 standards - see "metadonnées completes / Catalogue des attributs"
- add organisms directory management and use in the metadata editor tool.
Geosource is available in a french sourceforge (managed by the french government): http://admisource.gouv.fr/projects/geocatalogue/ with all documentation and source code (SVN) and you could see an online demo here: (login/password : geoadmin/geoadmin)
One year ago, during the GN workshop, we chose to split the development between french needs and current FAO GN developments (because incompatible completion date). But, we are always OK to contribute to the GN development, more particularly in the OSGEO context !
Francois has started the implementation of thesaurus in the current development GN 2.1. If GN team is interested with one or more Geosource functionalities, we are ready to try to merge (after the next realease of GN ?).
Thank again at all GN developers !
Pierre Lagarde
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