[GeoNetwork-users] Re: [metadata] ISO 19115 Metadata editor ?

Hi Daniel,
Let’s try to find out what exactly are the issues.

  • What is the version you used? I assume 2.0.2?
    Other questions below

On May 1, 2006, at 3:19 PM, Daniel Berhanu wrote:

Hi Jeroen:

I downloaded Geonetwork desktop version and was trying to see the features and i got the following problems

1 - When i tried to publish ISO Xml metadata using Batch import and Xml insert it gave me the following error message
The requested operation could not be performed.
Root element not set

Batch import is a bit sensitive (obviously :slight_smile: ) and requires the metadata to use short element names for ISO19115 following ISO 19115 DIS as that was the last version that had a DTD to validate. (With the ISO19139 now almost ready, we are working on a migration to ISO19115:2003 validated using the 19139 schemas, but as said, this is not ready within the coming 6 months except for some beta versions)

2- I am also having trouble to see any of the sample web map services listed using Inter Map. I get the following error message
The requested operation could not be performed.

There can be an issue related to proxies. Do you have a proxy? In that case you have to update settings in the …/web-intermap/WEB-INF/config.xml file. You can open it in a text editor and enable the proxy and set its IP address. (You would need to do the same for harvesting in the …/web/WEB-INF/config.xml). However, I need better feedback to understand what happens. We have had a workshop just last week with over 20 installations and this problem did not occur (without proxy). Can you reproduce the problem and send fresh log files created by Jetty?

3 - Is there a way of implementing your own ISO profile like the one you have for FAO using Geonetwork

You can edit the templates online and save them again as templates. The advanced editor allows to modify the full XML structure of the ISO metadata so you can create your own profiles.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have other issues. I also encourage you to use the mailing lists for GeoNetwork opensource to allow others to benefit from your experiences and provide feedback to your questions. They can be found on the http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork homepage.



Daniel Berhanu
Geoinformation Assistant, DISD
UN Economic Commission for Africa
P.O. Box 3005
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251-11-5443426
Fax: +251-11-5510512
e-mail: dberhanu@…63…

Jeroen Ticheler <Jeroen.Ticheler@…5…>
Sent by: metadata-bounces@…64…

18/04/2006 04:07 PM


Daniel Berhanu <DBerhanu@…63…>


metadata-bounces@…64…, metadata@…65…


Re: [metadata] ISO 19115 Metadata editor ?

Dear Daniel,

GeoNetwork opensource is a web based catalog including a metadata
editor for online editing of ISO 19115, FGDC and DC metadata. ISO
19115 folowing the ISO 19139 implementation standard is currently in
the works for release in version 2.1 of GeoNetwork opensource. v2.1
will also include CSW2.0 support.
You can run the software both on a sever and on a PC.

A latest releases (from today!) can be downloaded directly from

or from


Jeroen Ticheler
SDRN - Room F817
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome - Italy
Tel/Fax: +39 06 570 56041/53369

On Apr 18, 2006, at 9:43 AM, Daniel Berhanu wrote:

> Dear All:
> What free metadata editors are there which are conformant with ISO
> 19115?
> Regards,
> Daniel Berhanu
> Geoinformation Assistant, DISD
> UN Economic Commission for Africa
> P.O. Box 3005
> Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
> Tel: +251-11-5443426
> Fax: +251-11-5510512
> e-mail: [dberhanu@...63...](mailto:dberhanu@...63...)
> "Lynda Wayne" <[Lwayne@...66...](mailto:Lwayne@...66...)>
> Sent by: [metadata-bounces@...64...](mailto:metadata-bounces@...64...)
> 07/04/2006 05:33 PM
> Please respond to
> [Lwayne@...66...](mailto:Lwayne@...66...)
> To
> <[metadata@...65...](mailto:metadata@...65...)>
> cc
> 'aks' <[apakorn@...67...](mailto:apakorn@...67...)>
> Subject
> Re: [metadata] where to fill the outsource role
> Apakorn,
> One of the features of ISO 19115 is the ability clarify the role of
> the
> various Responsible Parties (contacts, processors, etc.) using Role
> Codes.
> Referencing the ISO 19115 Metadata package data dictionaries (B.2):
> MD_Identification (B.2.2.1 #23)
> Element 'pointOfContact' (B.2.2.1 #29)
> provides the option to document one or more 'CI_ResponsibleParties'
> (B.3.2.1 #374)
> Each 'responsibleParty' entry will require:
> - 'individual', 'organization', or 'positionName' (B.3.2.1
> #375-377)
> - 'role' (B.3.2.1 #379)
> Domain for the 'roleCodes' is provided under
> B.5 CodeLists and enumerations
> B.5.5 CI_RoleCode <<CodeList>>
> The use of Role Codes enables the documentation of multiple
> 'Responsible
> Parties' including:
> resourceProvider (data compiler/seller)
> custodian (maintenance)
> owner
> user
> distributor
> originator
> pointOfContact
> principalInvestigator
> processor
> publisher
> author
> In the case of a data contractor, the 'originator' role code would
> likely
> best apply. If, however, the data contractor compiled and provided
> data
> developed by one or more subcontractors, the data contractor may
> become
> the
> 'resourceProvider' and the subcontractors the 'originators'. The
> organization that contracted to purchase the data would be
> documented as
> the
> 'owner'.
> Hope this helps -
> Lynda
> Lynda Wayne, GISP
> GeoMaxim / Federal Geographic Data Committee
> [Lwayne@...68...](mailto:Lwayne@...68...)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [metadata-bounces@...65...](mailto:metadata-bounces@...65...)
> [[mailto:metadata-bounces@...65...](mailto:metadata-bounces@...65...)] On Behalf Of aks
> Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 3:21 AM
> To: [metadata@...65...](mailto:metadata@...65...)
> Subject: [metadata] where to fill the outsource role
> Dear all
> I have just started with iso19115 metadata. I wonder that if the
> organisation have outsources or sub-contract to others parties to
> create
> the
> data.
> Where should I fill the name of outsources in the MD_Identification.
> Thanks a lot
> Apakorn
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