Hello List,
Fist request for help so please be gentle.
I have installed geonetwork and it appears to be a wonderful product. Cannot wait to roll it out, I think it will provide a real benefit to my users.
I am about half way through importing all of my metadata using the batch import method, it has worked really well. The only thing that I haven't been able to work out is why the "Recent Changes" list on the home page appears to be randomly out of order. Whenever you click on one of the changes it won't reflect what you actually selected. I click on "Payphones" and it returns "Aerial Photography" for example. I restart the geoserver and select Payphones again, this time it returns Public Toilets. Whilst having a very limited understanding of how the software works, it almost appears like an index is corrupted or something? Maybe I have been importing them wrong? Not sure.
Would appreciate any suggestions you may have...
Morgan Ellingham
GIS Administrator
City of Mitcham
131 Belair Road
Torrens Park 5062
Ph: +61 08 8372 8898
Fax: +61 08 8372 8101
Mob: 0411 707 822
Email: mellingham@anonymised.com
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