[GeoNetwork-users] rss.search & opensearch (GN 2.1)

The rss.search webservice in geonetwork always returns 10 records even
when I specify a from/to parameter.

Also, how does one activate the portal.opensearch service : --

<ShortName>GeoNetwork opensource | UNEP | Ecomundus</ShortName>

GeoNetwork opensearch service allow search to be made into the metadata catalog.
<Tags>GeoNetwork Metadata ISO19115 ISO19139 DC FGDC</Tags>
<Url type="text/html"

  <Image type="image/vnd.microsoft.icon" width="16" height="16">


Best Regards,

Sean Khan

UNEP/IWLEARN Project Manager
P.O.Box 30552
Tel: (254) [20] 762-3271

From Europe and N.America, dial via Italy +39 0831 24 3000, wait for voice

then dial 124 3271

Hi Sean, the opensearch service is just a gateway to the rss search
service of GeoNetwork. You need to have a look to the rss.search params.

If you want to display more items, use the hitsPerPage param.

So you can edit the opensearch xsl to set a default number of hitsPerPage.

I think there's no way to use the from and to parameters easily with
rss.search. Maybe you need a two steps approach :
- first do a rss.search
- then a rss.present using the from, to params.
(not tested).

HTH. Francois

sean khan wrote:

The rss.search webservice in geonetwork always returns 10 records even
when I specify a from/to parameter.

Also, how does one activate the portal.opensearch service : --

<ShortName>GeoNetwork opensource | UNEP | Ecomundus</ShortName>

GeoNetwork opensearch service allow search to be made into the metadata catalog.
<Tags>GeoNetwork Metadata ISO19115 ISO19139 DC FGDC</Tags>
<Url type="text/html"

  <Image type="image/vnd.microsoft.icon" width="16" height="16">


Francois Xavier Prunayre
Camptocamp France SAS
Savoie Technolac, BP 352
73377 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex
Tel : + 33 (0)6 34 11 71 75