[GeoNetwork-users] [Sdi-ea] The outline of a plan?

Dear colleagues

Please have a look at
    - it's my response to a Kenyan colleague that outlines one possible
set steps to getting SDI-EA moving forward, and I'd really appreciate your
taking the time to check it and comment as appropriate.


Mick Wilson
Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA)
United Nations Environment Programme
PO Box 30552 - Nairobi 00100, Kenya
Tel: +254 20 7623436
Fax: +254 20 7624315
Email: mick.wilson@anonymised.com
Web www.unep.net, www.unep.org

----- Forwarded by Mick Wilson/UNEP/NBO/UNO on 03/19/2007 10:48 AM -----
             03/19/2007 10:30 Mick.Wilson@anonymised.com
             AM cc
                                       Re: Invitation for Expession of
                                       Interest to participate in an East
                                       African SDI Mashup
Yes, go on and forward.


   Mick Wilson
                          To: Nyoike.Mugechi@anonymised.com
   03/19/2007 10:09 AM cc:
                           Subject: Re: Invitation for
                          Expession of Interest to participate in an East
                          African SDI Mashup
Thank you for your support. At this stage there are neither dates nor
venues for any meetings. My plan is, initially, to survey the field and
see who's interested in contributing and, as far as possible, get some
organization going without disrupting too much people day-to-day. We are a
net-enabled group and I think we can get some momentum going without
waiting for physical meetings.

Already, in a matter of days, we have offers between agencies to help with
some swapping of basic skill slike setting up OGC web feature services.
Call this phase zero, out of which comes a sort of directory of "who's who
in East Africa SDI stuff" and at least an initial indicator of what their
capabilities and/or needs might be. This is however just a proposal and I'm
open to suggestions how better to proceed

Once past phase 0 then would be the time perhaps for some more "formal"
structure. We the UN gang have an obligation and capabilities to start
getting our own house in order but we don't have the assets or mandate to
attempt to solve all the problems this exercise uncovers. What we can do,
however, is get organized with "clusters" of our neighbours - for example,
UNEP with the conservation community, wildlife management and NGOs like
Green Belt Movement; UN-Habitat with civil society and social equity NGOs -
and try to use scanty UN assets to boost local capabilities. Call that
phase 1, and that is probably the point where some "real" meeting would
yield some real results and give the local players a chance to meet each
other and the UN gang. This plausibly could happen in a couple of months'
time, before everyone disappears for the northern summer.

Would you mind if I copied this response to the SDI-EA list?

PS Via which did you get the invitation? Where possible I want to drop the
"list of lists" approach and get individuals registered so we can do our
laundry within the community and reserving announcments to more public
lists for when really neat things. It'll also make it easier for you to
respond directly to the list without relying on me.


Mick Wilson
Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA)
United Nations Environment Programme
PO Box 30552 - Nairobi 00100, Kenya
Tel: +254 20 7623436
Fax: +254 20 7624315
Email: mick.wilson@anonymised.com
Web www.unep.net, www.unep.org

        03/19/2007 08:06          mick\.wilson@anonymised\.com28\.\.\.
        AM                                                         cc

                                  Invitation for Expession of
                                  Interest to participate in an East
                                  African SDI Mashup

Hello Wilson,
On above subject, please give dates and venue of the meetings. Am at
Bamburi cement, Lafarge eco system at Mombasa. Your proposal is valid and
we need to put our energies together.


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