[GeoNetwork-users] Server

Hi Olivier,
Yes, it sure can. One way to upload the metadata to GeoNetwork from the ArcCatalog application is to install the ArcCatalog plugin available here:

Please note that this is still in beta and there are some minor issues that need to be resolved before a final release. Use it in a test environment to be sure you don't risk corrupting the indexes of GeoNetwork (even though such corruption does normally not occur and is not affecting the actual metadata content of the GeoNetwork instance, it would require a restart of the GeoNetwork instance after removing the corrupted indexes).
Jeroen Ticheler
GeoCat bv
Grotenhuisweg 61
7384 CT Wilp
Tel: +31 (0)6 14126005

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On Aug 8, 2008, at 3:33 PM, sig@anonymised.com wrote:

Vous recevez ce courrier électronique car (sig@anonymised.com) vous envoie des commentaires sur le site que vous administrez à http://geonetwork-opensource.org. Le message envoyé est : Hello, i want to know if geonetwork can be only a MD server, because we have made our MD under Arccatalog and we search to publicated this mD ? thanks. Olivier CHANON
GeoNetwork opensource Administrator