I followed the Geonetwork v2.2 schema/template Howto in the
geonetwork-opensource site: http://geonetwork-opensource.org/documen
tation/how-to/geonetwork-v2-2-shema-template-howto to make my own
schema and metadata template. everything went well, only the picture
thumnail cannot displayed.
the author pointed out the problem and said something about it but
no solutions, In the howto, he said:
But that is not sufficient, you will also need to modify the
"index-fields.xsl" ( step 5), "set-thumbnail.xsl" and "unset-thumbnail.xsl"
( step 4), but Icouldn't figure out how exacly. If anybody find out
how to enable thumbnail for costum template, let me know (
crayco@anonymised.com ).
As I need the thumbnail display urgently, so I come here to ask
people who have solutions or provide some document for me.
Thanks in advance.