[GeoNetwork-users] Translate to German - Wait for Version 2

Hallo list,

I just played with the actual release of GeoNetwork.

First I have to say great work!

We're interested to translate GeoNetwork to german. Does it make any sense
to do it right now? May we better wait for the Version 2?

Any hint would be nice!

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Achim Weßling

INFOKOM Gütersloh AöR
Fachbereich Technische Anwendungen
Herzebrocker Str. 140
33334 Gütersloh
Tel.: 05241/85-2926

Dear Achim,
This email got stuck in my draft box for some reason while I was traveling. Sorry for the delay.

Thanks for the email!
Version two will differ much in where files are located in this perspective, but it will not have many changes as to the strings files. Most are the same although the main GUI strings file (strings.xml) will have most updates. Depending on how quick you want to have a translated version ready, you could start with translating the version 1.2.2 files (which should be released very soon, I'm finishing the release). There is one thing that we still have to do on version 2 (and will not do in version 1.2.1) and that is to add strings for all the current button graphics. This will make updating and translating the site much easier.
Changes from version 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 are all done in the strings.xml file, all others are identical.
I hope this helps? A translation into German would be excellent and most welcome!

On 18 Jan 2005, at 08:30, Weßling, Achim wrote:

Hallo list,

I just played with the actual release of GeoNetwork.

First I have to say great work!

We're interested to translate GeoNetwork to german. Does it make any sense
to do it right now? May we better wait for the Version 2?

Any hint would be nice!

Mit freundlichem Gruß

Achim Weßling

INFOKOM Gütersloh AöR
Fachbereich Technische Anwendungen
Herzebrocker Str. 140
33334 Gütersloh
Tel.: 05241/85-2926

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