[Geonetwork-users] Update GeoNetwork OpenSource v1.2.1 released

Sorry for any cross posting.

Dear all,

A new version of GeoNetwork has been released. The application is available in three different forms:
1- As an integrated application combining GeoNetwork metadata catalog, Intermap Web Map Services HTML client/ viewer application and the lat/lon Deegree Web Map Server v1 with added time dimension.
2- As an integrated application combining GeoNetwork and InterMap.
3- InterMap has been released as a standalone WMS client application, running as an HTML webapp on a webserver.

The update fixes and improves a number of features.
- added Spanish language (with credits to Miguel Angel Manso Callejo from EUIT. Topográfica UPM in Spain for the extensive translation work!!)
- improved editor (automatic save before modifying of metadata structure)
- fixes for UTF8 encoding in distributed search (fix on external library)
- some statistics functions added
- contact details have been merged back into the metadata record (this requires running a script while performing the upgrade from version 1.2.0. Nothing has to be done on a fresh installation)
- Improvements on the integrated InterMap OGC compliant and ArcIMS compliant map viewer.
- Improved metadata support, time support and SLD support on InterMap.
- more small fixes and improvements.

The application can be found at GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog download | SourceForge.net


Jeroen Ticheler
Room F817
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome - Italy
Tel: +39 06 57056041
Fax: +39 06 57053369
