[GeoNetwork-users] use "javaw" not "java" to kill the boring dos window on Windows.

hi, all:
When I start Geonetwork and the csw client by d-clicking the bat files on Windows, two dos windows open up . These dos windows are boring
, and change the command "java" to "start javaw" can fix the problem.
"java" runs jar through a Java console, while javaw does not.
The console is there mostly for text programs,However a java console slows the program down some -
since it's constantly listening to your program for things to output.
for using, we need speed, i suggest javaw. whle debugging, java console is better.
the method for changing is below:
change the line:
java -Xms48m -Xmx512m -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -jar start.jar ..\bin\jetty.xml
start javaw -Xms48m -Xmx512m -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -jar start.jar ..\bin\jetty.xml
Same to cswClient.bat, the dos window will disappear.

                                                                  zha zhuhua


Hi Zha,
Thanks! Nice suggestion! What about stopping the service? Do we use stop javaw too?

On Feb 20, 2008, at 4:28 AM, zhuhua zha wrote:

hi, all:
When I start Geonetwork and the csw client by d-clicking the bat files on Windows, two dos windows open up . These dos windows are boring
, and change the command "java" to "start javaw" can fix the problem.
"java" runs jar through a Java console, while javaw does not.
The console is there mostly for text programs,However a java console slows the program down some -
since it's constantly listening to your program for things to output.
for using, we need speed, i suggest javaw. whle debugging, java console is better.
the method for changing is below:
change the line:
java -Xms48m -Xmx512m -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -jar start.jar ..\bin\jetty.xml
start javaw -Xms48m -Xmx512m -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -jar start.jar ..\bin\jetty.xml
Same to cswClient.bat, the dos window will disappear.

                                                                 zha zhuhua

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