[GeoNetwork-users] Workshop proposal FOSS4G2009 Sydney

Hi all,
I submitted a workshop proposal for an introduction workshop to GeoNetwork opensource. The workshop is targeted at beginning users and is largely based on the successful workshop in Cape Town during FOSS4G2008.


Here's the full proposal:
Workshop Title (70 characters):

Organizing your geospatial data and services using GeoNetwork opensource

Short Description (50 words):

Participants will setup a catalog to serve and access geospatial data through the Web. Topics that will be covered are the publishing of geospatial data, harvesting spatial data resources from remote catalog-servers, finding and using spatial data through applications like News Readers and Google Earth and the integration of the publishing process in existing workflows.

  Long Description (400 words):

The half-day workshop will focus on the implementation of a catalog to serve and access geospatial data through the Web.

A local catalog will be installed and configured. Harvesting of spatial data resources from remote servers will be configured and geospatial web map services will be set up using the embedded GeoServer and will be configured for access through the catalog web interface.

Participants will use the catalog in different ways, including the web interface and OGC-CSW ISO, the new ebRIM CSW ISO, OAI-MHP and GeoRSS protocols. The user will learn how to use the catalog to receive automatic updates when new resources of interest become available using news feeds in different client applications (news readers, Open Layers, Google Maps and Virtual Earth). The use of user feedback mechanisms including data rating and social book marking will be discussed.

Attention will be given to import and export functionality of the catalog that allow integration of the publishing process in existing workflows like desktop GIS or operational data processing servers.

  User Level (choose one):

X Beginner User

User Prerequisites (platform, applications, development languages, etc.):

Basic understanding of geospatial web services (like OGC Web Map Services and Catalog Services for the Web) is useful.

Instructor Name:

Primary instructor: Jeroen Ticheler

Secondary instructor: François Prunayre

Instructor Coordinates:

Jeroen Ticheler

De Braakweg 12a, 7524 PH Enschede, The Netherlands

Tel/Fax: +31 53 7370049

Mobile: +31 6 81286572

Email: Jeroen.Ticheler@anonymised.com

WWW: http://geocat.net

Instructor Biography (100 words):

Jeroen Ticheler is passionate about Africa, people, maps and technology. He's convinced that open source software is the best option to help sustainable development. Making geospatial data more accessible caused him to start the development of GeoNetwork opensource in 2001 at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, the first fully open source software in the organization. He has been pushing for geospatial data sharing within the United Nations for years as task group manager on interoperable services in the UN Geographic Information Working Group and pushed the concept of a UN Spatial Data Infrastructure in that same group. In 2008 he started GeoCat bv to provide commercial services for GeoNetwork opensource. In his nightlife he supports OSGeo activities, marketing and a hacking event.

Instructor Experience (100 words):

The instructor has developed and led multiple workshops on GeoNetwork opensource since the start of the project. Successful workshops were held at the FOSS4G conferences, within the United Nations and within the GeoNetwork opensource community. Furthermore he has held numerous presentations on the software and on Spatial Data Infrastructure and open source software in general.

Links to any material relevant to your workshop submission:

Previous workshops:

- FOSS4G2006 Lausanne - Using the GeoNetwork opensource Spatial Data Catalog - (http://www.foss4g2006.org/contributionDisplay.py?contribId=17&sessionId=64&confId=1)

- FOSS4G2007 Victoria – instructor provided assistance to L-09: Using the GeoNetwork open source Spatial Data Catalog (Foss Prog – Hedelmäpelit netissä)

- FOSS4G2008 Cape Town – Instructor of workshop - http://conference.osgeo.org/index.php/foss4g/2008/paper/view/60

- GeoNetwork opensource 2007: Assisted and given workshops on GeoNetwork during the GeoNetwork workshop 2007 (see: http://geonetwork-opensource.org/documentation/workshops/workshop-2007/tutorial-all-pages)

- GeoConnexion article - Open Source #10 - GeoNetwork opensource - (http://www.geoconnexion.com/uploads/opensource_intv7i5.pdf)

Data available through the Climate Change Integration Plugfest (CCIP) will be used in the workshop to demonstrate interoperability

Jeroen Ticheler
GeoCat bv
Grotenhuisweg 61
7384 CT Wilp
Tel: +31 (0)6 81286572

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