I have read the both two emails at the end.
But I don´t know if the beta version of geoserver 1.3 includes raster support.
Or is this a feature which which will be first included in in version 1.3-rc1 or version 1.3.0?
Best Regards,
Lars Schrader
email: lschrade[at]num[dot]math[dot]uni-goettingen[dot]de
From: Michal Malecki <michal@anonymised.com>
geoserver 1.3 with rasters <http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=10898413>
2005-02-18 02:23
I am aware that raster support will be included in 1.3 version. My
question is - when it will come?
My company is hosting in June the Terena conference
(http://www.terena.nl). We want to prepare installation of NASA World
Wind (http://worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/)- this means clients and of
course WMS server.
We like very much geoserver, bu we must find wms server with raster
support till april, so we can decently test it (it will be serving
huge amounts of data, through very fast network (40 Gb :))). How
probably is to release geoserver 1.3 in that time?
Michał Małecki
From: Chris Holmes <cholmes@anonymised.com>
Re: geoserver 1.3 with rasters <http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=10904289>
2005-02-18 14:09
On Fri, 18 Feb 2005, Michal Malecki wrote:
> Hello,
> I am aware that raster support will be included in 1.3 version. My
> question is - when it will come?
> My company is hosting in June the Terena conference
> (http://www.terena.nl). We want to prepare installation of NASA World
> Wind http://worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/)- this means clients and of
> course WMS server.
> We like very much geoserver, bu we must find wms server with raster
> support till april, so we can decently test it (it will be serving
> huge amounts of data, through very fast network (40 Gb :))). How
> probably is to release geoserver 1.3 in that time?
What kind of raster support do you need? Like what file format are you looking for? We were actually just discussing GeoServer 1.3 - there is a desire to get a nice stable release out in time to sync with uDIG"s 1.0 release, so that users can easily download both and have a great demo, of the two working seamlessly with eachother. We thought about keeping with 1.2, to ensure that it"s stable, but it looks like we"re going to shoot for stability with 1.3. The downside is we"re not going to be able to get in as many features as we"d like into the 1.3 release, since we want to keep it focused and solid. We will focus on stuff that is essential for a good demo - mostly very solid SLD support, good speed, and lots of testing. I"d say raster support by then is on the fence. I know it"s by far the most requested feature for 1.3, so we really want it in. But I would guess that if we don"t get it in by the end of March we could have it within two weeks, so maybe mid-April at the latest? If that"s the case you may have to help us beta test it, but I think we could devote some good time to getting it optimized for your needs, since the conference sounds like a great place to show off some geoserver capabilities - I would love to see it working with World Wind. The basics for rasters should not be _too_ hard, since I think uDIG is supporting them. It"s just a question of if we can get things integrated right. So basically we would very much like to get raster support by mid-april, and there"s a decent chance that we can. I"m not sure if it"ll be fast enough for you off the bat, so you should look into mapserver and deegree for WMS side. But email the list again when you are needing it, and we may be able to get developers working directly with you, to improve raster support for your demo (especially if we could get a public demo to point people at). It sounds like a great conference and a cool demo.