in Italy Andrea is used only for men
Apologies. Perhaps this should be a GeoServer FAQ
Having followed the Eclipse integration steps from:
with the 1.5.x source, I note that:
a) There are (30) errors in the 'Issues' project. Presumably this is to
be expected?
b) The imported projects don't appear to include the hello example. Is
it easy to describe how I might import and build this example from
within Eclipse?
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Aime []
Sent: 28 March 2007 10:14
To: Swan Jerry
Cc: Justin Deoliveira;
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] "A Simple Plugin" example possible
without Geoserver build?
Swan Jerry ha scritto:
By following the advice in Andrea's last reply, I'm happy to say that
I've successfully built the hello example using the 1.5.x checkout she
He described :-p (ha ha, you're not the first one, and you won't be the
last one either, but yeah, in Italy Andrea is used only for men).
Presumably the next step is for me to get the hello example working
using Eclipse...?In the light of this, would it be better for me in the longer term to
be working with geoserver-1.5.0-rc2 (as per the discussion below), or
should I stick with what I've got working?
I suggest you stick with the 1.5.x branch, since that's basically in
mantainance mode already, that is, only bug fixes and minor new features
will land there.
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