Anyways, go in the hello directory, run mvn eclipse:eclipse
Ok, this seems to be working. Many thanks.
In attempting to modify the HelloWorld source for my needs, I'm running
up against an error that claims that:
import org.vfny.geoserver.wfs.responses.GML2FeatureResponseDelegate;
is unresolved. I'm guessing that it's the "wfs" part of the package that
it's objecting to, since other imports such as
org.vfny.geoserver.servlets.AbstractService are OK.
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Aime []
Sent: 28 March 2007 11:16
To: Swan Jerry
Cc: Justin Deoliveira;
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] "A Simple Plugin" example possible
without Geoserver build?
Swan Jerry ha scritto:
in Italy Andrea is used only for men
Apologies. Perhaps this should be a GeoServer FAQ
Having followed the Eclipse integration steps from:
with the 1.5.x source, I note that:
a) There are (30) errors in the 'Issues' project. Presumably this is
be expected?
Community is there for people to try out things, and issues module
is unmantained. So it's no surprise some module is broken.
b) The imported projects don't appear to include the hello example. Is
it easy to describe how I might import and build this example from
within Eclipse?
Maybe hello is not in the build (see the community pom)? No, it's
there... hum... strange? Anyways, go in the hello directory, run mvn
eclipse:eclipse and then import.
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