[Geoserver-devel] About handling SLD

Could you tell me about :
+ Which version of Geotools in Geoserver rc 1.2.3?
+ And about SLD supporting by Geoserver:
On wms's getCapabilities says:
Not support...also the function
org.vfny.geoserver.global.supportsSLD() return false.
Does it mean currently not support StyledLayerDescriptor yet?
And how can I update newest version of Geotool ( which .jar file
repalces in WEB-INF/lib of geoserver? )
Thanks for your support.

Could you tell me about :
+ Which version of Geotools in Geoserver rc 1.2.3?
+ And about SLD supporting by Geoserver:

Sure. The GeoTools version in 1.2.3 is supposed to be GeoTools 2.0.0
(first non release candidate release). But we've got held up releasing
it, so it didn't manage to come out at the same time. But GeoServer is
working off the 2.0.x branch:

Non of the SLD-WMS functionality is yet supported by GeoServer. But
GeoServer _does_ read SLD files to define it's internal styles. There
just is no way to specify a SLD in the request, or to put or get a
style. Which is to say that it should not be too hard to add that
support, since the hard part, parsing and using SLD, is already
supported from GeoTools. But we have not added it to all the WMS
operations. I hope to get those done in the next month or two, it's
one of the main goals for 1.3

And how can I update newest version of Geotool ( which .jar file
repalces in WEB-INF/lib of geoserver? )

All of the gt2-* files are from geotools. I have not personally tested
against head of GeoTools (or 2.1 branch at all), but Rob Atkinson did,
and he said it wasn't too hard to get working. Just get rid of all the
gt2- prefixed files in lib, and replace them with the latest gt2 built
ones. The main module is essential, and then postgis, shapefile,
oracle, ect. as needed.

Thanks for your support.

No problem.


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