Hi all,
in 1.4.x series we used the wkt epsg jar, that allowed the user to
add a projection by editing the inner property file.
In 1.5.x, we are using epsg hsql, so the same operation is possible,
but only after editing the sql creation file included in the jar and
then removing the cached hsql database held in a temp directory.
That's a lot harder.
On geotools trunk Martin is working on a module to allow "chained"
providers, that is, have the ability to invoke multiple ones
when looking for a projection code. I haven't seen backport plans
Thinking about it, this is a serious issue for us.
Any suggestions? Martin, how much work is needed to finish that
module (can I help you?). Plus, how hard is it to back port it
to 2.3.x?
Afaik the reason for upgrading to epsg-hsql was that the wkt
file missed informations. But it's not impossible to simply
dump all the wkt infos from the hsql db and create a new
property file instead. Would we miss significant information
in that case? The only thing that comes to my mind
is the definition area.