[Geoserver-devel] Alternative blob store for GWC

I have implemented a BlobStore that enables persisting tiles in the Accumulo distributed database. This allows us to have a very large store for tiles. It also facilitates caching tiles in memory across the processes of the distributed database and pulling them over the network at request time. I’ve been able to use the blob store by manually editing the applicationContext.xml file and the geowebcache-core-context.xml file to point to my implementation. I looked for other mechanisms to plug in a different blob store implementation but couldn’t find one. Ideally, I’d just drop in a jar that contained an applicationContext and GWC would pick up the alternate blob implementation. Is there a more discoverable mechanism for plugging in different blob stores for GWC?


You may need to ask Kevin on the GWC mailing list, and propose a discovery mechanism if one does not already exsist.


Jody Garnett

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Anthony F <afccri@anonymised.com> wrote:

I have implemented a BlobStore that enables persisting tiles in the Accumulo distributed database. This allows us to have a very large store for tiles. It also facilitates caching tiles in memory across the processes of the distributed database and pulling them over the network at request time. I’ve been able to use the blob store by manually editing the applicationContext.xml file and the geowebcache-core-context.xml file to point to my implementation. I looked for other mechanisms to plug in a different blob store implementation but couldn’t find one. Ideally, I’d just drop in a jar that contained an applicationContext and GWC would pick up the alternate blob implementation. Is there a more discoverable mechanism for plugging in different blob stores for GWC?


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