[Geoserver-devel] Alternative way to debug geoserver from IDE

Hi all.
I'd like to compare and contrast two ways of developing with geoserver,
and in particular debugging it.

1) At the moment the suggested way to debug geoserver 1.4 from the Eclipse
IDE is described here:

2) Another possibility is to put in the web module a main that starts
Jetty directly, and having care to avoid a
direct Jetty dependency by setting the dependencies to test scope,
so that you have the jetty jars loaded in the ide but avoiding
inheritance should other modules depend on web (say, for example,
a custom app).
(if you wonder how such a main is done, here is an example:

1) pros: does things exactly the same way as mvn jetty6:run, so
    you can reproduce easily every problem reported by running on
    the command line.
1) cons: complex to set up, forget one step and you'll see strange
    errors that don't have any apparent relationship with the configuration
    error you've made

2) pros: easy, just run the starter class or debug the starter class,
    no configuration needed
2) cons: different way to start it up, may not be able to reproduce
    and error found by running geoserver with mnv jetty6:run

So so... well, I'd like to have both :-), the second one for everybody
to use normally, the first one when you can't reproduce errors with
the quick approach.
What do you think?