[Geoserver-devel] Anybody going at Where 2.0?

Quick question, out of pure curiosity: is there anybody from
the java GIS world going to Where 2.0?

Seems more like a commercial GIS stuff, but filled with general
presentations too, and Metacarta is there and presenting.


I went previously; and had a good time - just no going for that price. You are correct about the hyper commerical focus - it is important to go as often as an open source representative you can mitigate between vendors. A lot of good GeoRSS discussion happened the year I went.


Quick question, out of pure curiosity: is there anybody from
the java GIS world going to Where 2.0?
Conferences - O'Reilly Media

Seems more like a commercial GIS stuff, but filled with general
presentations too, and Metacarta is there and presenting.


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Last year I was a little let down, just because of the huge focus on commercial products. What we need is an intermediate FOSS4G conference, so we can all meet twice a year =)

The feeling I got from the conference was that people weren't ready for open source there, and knew nothing about OGC standards or what we are trying to accomplish. So all the good conversations were between fellow FOSS'ers. All there was to learn from the commercial side was that they are 2 years behind us.

Brent Owens
(The Open Planning Project)

Jody Garnett wrote:

I went previously; and had a good time - just no going for that price. You are correct about the hyper commerical focus - it is important to go as often as an open source representative you can mitigate between vendors. A lot of good GeoRSS discussion happened the year I went.


Quick question, out of pure curiosity: is there anybody from
the java GIS world going to Where 2.0?

Seems more like a commercial GIS stuff, but filled with general
presentations too, and Metacarta is there and presenting.


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