I've been spending a bit of time with GeoServer 1.5.3 running on Windows XP
Professional and using jdk1.5.0_07. I've successfully been able to display
shapefile data and I am now trying to make GeoServer work with ArcSDE 9.0
SP2 and ArcSDE 9.2 SP2.
I downloaded and installed the ArcSDE Java SDKs from the ESRI site along
with the 'icu4j_3_2.jar' and the GeoServer ArcSDE extension, following the
instructions and links at
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTDOC/ArcSDE+DataStore. However, I did
find that I had to put the files into /geoserver/WEB-INF/lib, not the
/geoserver/WEB-INF as indicated for the extension.
I was able to set up an ArcSDE data store with no problem using the
GeoServer Configuration tool. When I click 'new' in the FeatureType
Configuration I see all of my ArcSDE layers (layers from both the 9.0 and
the 9.2 instances).
When I go in to create or edit a feature type, one of the first things that
I want to do is to use the 'Create a New SLD' . When I click on that
button, instead of the blue-background with the menu options for setting
colors and other style information, I instead see
* All fields are required.
You must apply the style before it will be saved.
Hit the 'Apply Style' button above'.
showing the 'Apply Style' and 'Finished' buttons, but no area in which to
set the style info. In the window below the 'Finished' button I see the
interval; featureTypeName = NDHUB.CORPORATE_POLY
ft info: [OBJECTID:int, SOURCE_ID:int, CITY_NAME:string, CITY_ID:int,
URBAN_AREA:string, SHAPE:multiPolygonProperty]
geomType =
If I click the 'Apply Style' button, in that window below 'Finished' I then
interval; featureTypeName = NDHUB.CORPORATE_POLY
ft info: [OBJECTID:int, SOURCE_ID:int, CITY_NAME:string, CITY_ID:int,
URBAN_AREA:string, SHAPE:multiPolygonProperty]
geomType =
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0"
<Title>geoserver style</Title>
<Abstract>Generated by GeoServer</Abstract>
Saving style
waiting for response...
waiting for response...
waiting for response...
waiting for response...
waiting for response...
XML reponse received
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
javax.servlet.ServletException: Your SLD is not valid.
Most common problems are:
(1) no namespaces - use <ows:GetMap>, <sld:Rule>,
<ogc:Filter>, <gml:Point> - the part before the ':'
is important
(2) capitialization - use '<And>' not
(3) Order - The order of elements is important
(4) Make sure your first tag imports the correct namespaces. ie.
xmlns:sld="http://www.opengis.net/sld" for EVERY NAMESPACE
javax.servlet.ServletException: Your SLD is not valid.
Most common problems are:
(1) no namespaces - use <ows:GetMap>, <sld:Rule>,
<ogc:Filter>, <gml:Point> - the part before the ':'
is important
(2) capitialization - use '<And>' not
(3) Order - The order of elements is important
(4) Make sure your first tag imports the correct namespaces. ie.
xmlns:sld="http://www.opengis.net/sld" for EVERY NAMESPACE
Perhaps I need to use the Style Editor to manually set the style? I tried
creating one manually, then selecting that to create FeatureType for
display, but had the same problem, a blank map.
In the FeatureType Editor, I am able to successfully use the 'Lookup SRS'
button and the 'Generate' (bounding box) button. However, at the bottom of
the FeatureType Editor, I do see the fields for the given SDE layer, but to
the right of the fields, I see 'nillable: true, min:0, max:1'
All of the above is using polygon data, both from 9.0 and 9.2 instances.
When I try to create a new FeatureType with line data, the 9.0 data acts as
indicated above. When I try to create a new FeatureType with 9.2 line data,
I get:
GeoServer - Exception
The following exception was thrown:
I don't see any errors in the log file found in C:\Program Files\GeoServer
One final comment/question, in the doco found at
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTDOC/ArcSDE+DataStore, the text
indicates "1.5.1 only" for ArcSDE raster, but the text below that title
indicates from version 1.5.1 forward there is preliminary support for ArcSDE
raster. Should I be using 1.5.1 for ArcSDE raster? The doco suggests that
in the CoverageStore I should be seeing "ArcSDE Raster Format" as an option
but I don't see that. When accessing the 9.2 instance, I see a 3-band
raster in the pull down list within the Create New Feature Type, but when I
click on 'New' I see a message to the left:
Raster columns are not supported yet
Thanks for any help/suggestions.
Regards, Bob
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/ArcSDE---blank-map-display-and-problem-setting-SLD-tf4562442.html#a13021103
Sent from the GeoServer - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.