Just a note that I found what is causing the problem.
When I use the GeoServer GUI and enter
I get the 'invalid url' error that I first reported.
When I manually edit the catalog.xml and enter this info, e.g.,
<format namespace = "NDHUB" enabled = "true" id = "NDHUB_aerialphotos" >
<type>ArcSDE Raster</type>
I get a crash. In the logs I see:
26 Oct 14:48:45 WARN [org.geotools.arcsde.gce] - connectiong via file-hack
to ArcSDE Raster: sde:\bnutsch:pass@anonymised.com:5151\#NDHUB.AERIALPHOTOS_6INCH
26 Oct 14:48:45 WARN [org.geotools.arcsde.gce] - connectiong via file-hack
to ArcSDE Raster: sde:\bnutsch:pass@anonymised.com:5151\#NDHUB.AERIALPHOTOS_6INCH
26 Oct 14:48:45 WARN [org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor] - Unhandled
Exception thrown: class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
26 Oct 14:48:45 ERROR
- Servlet.service() for servlet action threw exception
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ArcSDE Raster URL must be of the form
sde://user:pass@anonymised.com:port/[dbname]#rasterTableName -- Got
From visiting with Saul off-line, it appears that this is a case of windows
- unix slash directions.
I plan to try my hand at entering this bug into jira.codehaus.org
Regards, Bob
Bob Nutsch wrote:
I'm trying to access raster data from ArcSDE 9.2 (with has a backend of
Oracle 10g). I select 'ArcSDE Raster Format' from the list when starting
to set up a new coverage store. I supply a Coverage Data Set ID and then
click on the New button.
I must be doing something wrong for the URL syntax because after entering
the URL information and clicking on the Submit button I get the following
on the left side of the GeoServer admin page:
"Invalid url:
for format type:'ArcSDE Raster'.
I've looked at the example shown on
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTDOC/ArcSDE+DataStore. I'm too dumb
to figure out what I'm missing.
Here's my information:
User: myuser
Pwd: mypwd
Server: myserver.state.nd.us
ArcSDE instance: 5198
raster layer: NDHUB.NGS_DRG24K (where 'NDHUB' is the schema owner)
There's something wrong with the syntax around the '#' area I think. It's
been my experience that when using ArcSDE with Oracle, there is not a
database or instance name, simply the server and port number (along with
the userid and password). For SQL Server, I would enter the name of the
database but there is no database name for Oracle. So when using ESRI
tools I generally leave the database name blank or enter a "#" for that
field. I'm thinking that perhaps this is the issue with the URL that I'm
using, but I'm not sure.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Bob
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/ArcSDE-raster-URL-syntax-tf4635131.html#a13434681
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