Hi lists:
As was suggested initially by Chris Holmes, is already available the TJS extension on GitHub in the address <https://github.com/thijsbrentjens/geoserver/tree/tjs_2.2.x> . The extension is published as a community module in a branch of Geoserver 2.2.4 with the needed changes in order to work. It would be great if we could put these changes on the the Geoserver source at some point.
All this has been possible thanks to the collaboration of Thijs Brentjens from Geonovum in Holland who has been testing the code and making some changes on it.
More information about the extension is published in this page (http://www.iderc.co.cu/index.php/servicio-tjs/56.html) in the cuban SDI portal.
Happy and prosperous year 2014 to all.
José Luis Capote Fernández
J’ Dpto. de Proyectos en Diseño
Agencia GeoMIX
Empresa Cartografía y Soluciones Geomáticas GeoSí