Hi Mauro,
Yes reprojection is fully supported in 1.5.3 given that the epsg codes
you are using are "known" to GeoServer.
As for where to find the information about which coordinate system is
being requested, this should be available on the org.geotools.data.Query
interface. See Query#getCoordinateSystem().
However this is a bit of a problem in GeoServer / Geotools because 1.
Its not always set properly by GEoServer, and 2. Its not always
respected by the datastores.
Its kind of a chicken and the egg problem. Some of the datastores in
geotools are of poorer quality and less maintained then others. This
means that GeoServer cannot realistically rely on the datastore to do
the reprojection. So GeoServer takes the stance of doing all the
projection itself... and usually just queries the datastore for data in
its native crs.
Or at least this is what I understand. Those more familiar with the
rendering subsystem (like Andrea) can probably give you a more
definitive answer.
Mauro Bartolomeoli wrote:
Is reprojection fully supported in GeoServer 1.5.3?
I have a problem to understand how to retrieve coordinate systems
information inside a DataStore I'm currently developing.
For example, I have a WMS request containing a BoundingBox similar to this:
<BoundingBox srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#26592">
My data is stored in EPSG:23032. To apply the bbox filter to the data
I'd need to reproject the bbox from EPSG:26592 to EPSG:23032, but, due
to my poor knowledge of GeoTools/GeoServer architecture, I'm not able to
figure out how my datastore can retrieve the bbox EPSG (in the example
Is this possible? Can someone give me any suggestion on this subject?
Mauro Bartolomeoli
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