[Geoserver-devel] Bounds and time requirements in WCS 1.1?

Was just talking on IRC to some GeoNode developers who want to provide links to WCS for download of datasets. They were asking about a WCS reflector, similar to the WMS one, to more easily get the full dataset.

So Justin helped out showing in the code where it could go. But Tom Kralidis pointed out to me a line of the WCS spec that indicates that we should be doing at least some reflector type things anyways.

On 06-083r8 - WCS 1.1.0 spec there’s a table on page 47 (table 29), that has both bounding box and time series as ‘optional’, and only needing to be specified when non-default subsets are desired:

BoundingBox=47,-71, - 51,66, urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:6326 6405

Optional, include when spatial subset desired

Request a coverage subset defined by the specified bounding box in the referenced coordinate reference system

TimeSequence= 20060801, 20060811, …

OR TimeSequence = 20060801/ 2006-0901 / P1D, …Optional, include when temporal subset desired other than default

Request a subset corresponding to the specified time instants or intervals, expressed in the extended ISO 8601 syntax defined in Annex D of [OGC 04-024]. (See

The footnote says that one of those two is required. But looking at a geoserver deployment it looks like we’re requiring both:


Gives an error about needing the time sequence.

It seems like at the least we should make it so only one is required. And is there a reason we couldn’t make it so neither is required? If yes, could we add a reflector like with the WMS, to make it easier for user’s to construct requests?

I realize that the series of WCS specs sucks, but for now I’m just thinking of 1.1, to keep it simple, and we can tell people that’s the more accessible one.