[Geoserver-devel] Build breaks with OOM errors

after updating from svn I run a build of geotools 2.4.x
and geoserver trunk.
The Geoserver trunk build fails with OOM errors.
In Maven this happens only for one of the last test of
org.geoserver.wfs.v1_1.GetFeatureTest (testAfterFeatureTypeAdded)
but if I run the same test in Eclipse the last half of the
tests do fail for OOM. This is because Eclipse runs the same
tests with the default memory size of 64MB, whilst I think
Maven is using a bigger amount.
This makes me think there is a cumulative memory leak in the
xml subsystem that caches the xml schemas, since there has
been a change lately in exactly that part of the code, and
the tests do keep on getting geoserver up and down as
part of their setup phase.


Actually it was a problem with the mock test setups and the bast test
class not properly disposing of the application context in teh test
tearDown method. Fixed now.


Andrea Aime wrote:

after updating from svn I run a build of geotools 2.4.x
and geoserver trunk.
The Geoserver trunk build fails with OOM errors.
In Maven this happens only for one of the last test of
org.geoserver.wfs.v1_1.GetFeatureTest (testAfterFeatureTypeAdded)
but if I run the same test in Eclipse the last half of the
tests do fail for OOM. This is because Eclipse runs the same
tests with the default memory size of 64MB, whilst I think
Maven is using a bigger amount.
This makes me think there is a cumulative memory leak in the
xml subsystem that caches the xml schemas, since there has
been a change lately in exactly that part of the code, and
the tests do keep on getting geoserver up and down as
part of their setup phase.


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Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project