[Geoserver-devel] Build failed in Hudson: cite-wfs-1.0-trunk #433

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/433/&gt;

[...truncated 2390 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_617a594d59565713
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_76fa594d59565766
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1a06594d595657fe
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1a86594d5956587f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2a46594d595658fe
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_62c6594d59565976
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1426594d595659c2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_55a6594d59565a8d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_71e6594d59565b9c
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7b56594d594e1feb
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_61d6594d594e2006
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5a8794d5951c9d6
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2a68794d594ff5ad
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3603854d595a07de
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1a83854d595a0845
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7c43854d595a08f5
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_64c3854d595a0978
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5223854d595a09c9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_34a3854d595a0a7b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5fa3854d595a0a93
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4363854d595a0b0e
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_23e3854d595a0b92
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5513854d595a0c24
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_193854d595a0cb2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5253854d595a0cd6
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/434/&gt;

[...truncated 2399 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3fcae722227cd1ae
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_472ae722227cd220
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_63aae722227cd2b1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7d6ae722227cd30c
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4deae722227cd38d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_151ae722227cd401
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_219ae722227cd494
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_58dae722227cd555
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_673ae722227cd628
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4206e72222749aa5
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7706e72222749af2
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_70d0d72222784481
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_63d0d72222767064
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3bad772222008286
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4b6d772222008300
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3bed772222008384
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_129d77222200844f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3c5d7722220084f2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_24dd77222200857f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_503d7722220085eb
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_273d77222200861d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6bbd77222200869b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_357d772222008727
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_71fd7722220087b5
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2a037722220087d9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/435/&gt;

[...truncated 2399 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_32dbcc7a2f231576
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6c3bcc7a2f2315ca
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_44bbcc7a2f231643
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_47bcc7a2f2316c3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_78fbcc7a2f23175b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1807cc7a2f2317d9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_627cc7a2f2319e6
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6467cc7a2f231acb
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1017cc7a2f231bdf
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4ad7cc7a2f1ae02d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6fd7cc7a2f1ae07e
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4469ec7a2f1e8a17
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7b69ec7a2f1cb5e8
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1f02dc7a2f26c814
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6f82dc7a2f26c892
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3b42dc7a2f26c904
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6dc2dc7a2f26c9b0
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5922dc7a2f26ca21
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7aa2dc7a2f26ca42
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4c62dc7a2f26caf7
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3f62dc7a2f26cb11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7be2dc7a2f26cb9f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2312dc7a2f26cc13
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5992dc7a2f26ccbf
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7a52dc7a2f26ccdc
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/436/&gt;

[...truncated 2390 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_72c5018a28c97977
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_45a5018a28c97a80
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4f65018a28c97b2b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5115018a28c97c16
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1155018a28c97d10
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5835018a28c97dd8
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2cb5018a28c97e4c
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7f0d018a28c98027
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_422d018a28c981fa
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_43ed018a28c14665
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5103018a28c14a80
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_d56218a28c4f45e
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7181218a28c32b00
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_15d4118a28cd3dbc
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1934118a28cd3e25
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_d8c118a28cd40b2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1b72118a28cd4f07
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4bca118a28cd5185
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_13aa118a28cd5289
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_776a118a28cd5319
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_63ea118a28cd538c
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_231a118a28cd5412
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6d9a118a28cd54aa
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_795a118a28cd553d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5eda118a28cd554e
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/437/&gt;

[...truncated 2399 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2d82b3d635efc88a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2942b3d635efc91b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4ec2b3d635efc96b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4122b3d635efca12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7ea2b3d635efca6b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6e62b3d635efcaee
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6ae2b3d635efcb7d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3272b3d635efcefe
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_a0ab3d635efcff3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1dcab3d635e79418
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_112ab3d635e79481
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_357f0bd635eb3e50
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_56ff0bd635e96a32
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_21952bd635f37caa
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1e552bd635f37cd5
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7ad52bd635f37d45
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3c352bd635f37df5
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_44b52bd635f37e7d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_10752bd635f37ee9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7752bd635f37f1e
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1df52bd635f37fb3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_250d2bd635f38022
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_98d2bd635f380b9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1e4d2bd635f380ce
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6acd2bd635f38158
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/438/&gt;

[...truncated 2396 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_126f98be3e9622f4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_74ef98be3e962346
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_481f98be3e9623db
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_609f98be3e962450
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_605f98be3e9624d7
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3e3f98be3e9625eb
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5ebf98be3e96266b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4ff98be3e962748
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_8058be3e96285b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_762058be3e8decb3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_74a058be3e8decd2
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7cf5b8be3e919699
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_600db8be3e8fc244
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_385a84be3e99d4e6
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_78da84be3e99d566
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_503a84be3e99d5ef
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_173a84be3e99d61f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_47ba84be3e99d69d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6d7a84be3e99d736
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_51fa84be3e99d7ab
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4a0684be3e99d7c6
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_528684be3e99d855
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1c4684be3e99d8ed
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_78c684be3e99d97d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1bc684be3e99d99f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/439/&gt;

[...truncated 2399 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5d0766ee3bbc980d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_258766ee3bbc9883
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_254766ee3bbc9900
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_69c766ee3bbc9998
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2e2766ee3bbc99ee
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1aa766ee3bbc9a79
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_726766ee3bbc9af1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_67e766ee3bbc9bab
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_163766ee3bbc9def
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_63f766ee3bb46267
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_410f66ee3bb46284
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_455956ee3bb80c57
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_32d956ee3bb63821
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_56a276ee38404a5d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_66276ee38404ad9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_62e276ee38404b49
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_41276ee38404bfb
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_309276ee38404c6a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_539276ee38404c88
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_95276ee38404d26
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1ad276ee38404d43
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3c3276ee38404dee
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_8b276ee38404e79
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_67b276ee38404e81
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_757276ee38404f24
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/440/&gt;

[...truncated 2393 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1bdcad500563c5bc
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3d3cad500563c60f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_45bcad500563c683
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_257cad500563c701
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_15fcad500563c780
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_502ad500563c805
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7182ad500563c891
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_74c2ad500563c94f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_60a2ad500563ca58
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2e12ad50055b8ebe
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4492ad50055b8ed4
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4ccf1d50055f389f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_fcf1d50055d647f
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_38793d50056776e6
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_8f93d5005677761
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_10053d50056777ee
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6b053d5005677800
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5b853d5005677881
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_79453d5005677922
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4ec53d5005677957
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7c253d50056779f0
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_64a53d5005677a63
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_60653d5005677af2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2b653d5005677b18
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_55e53d5005677ba6
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/441/&gt;

[...truncated 3559 lines...]
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-disjoint-post-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2477_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-disjoint-post-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2485_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-disjoint-post-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2493_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-disjoint-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2501_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-disjoint-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2510_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-disjoint-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2518_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-disjoint-post-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2526_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-disjoint-post-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2534_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-disjoint-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2542_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-disjoint-post-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2550_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-disjoint-post-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2559_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2567_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-get-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2575_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-get-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2583_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-get-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2591_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2599_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2608_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2616_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-get-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2624_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-get-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2632_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2640_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-get-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2648_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-get-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2657_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2665_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-post-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2673_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-post-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2681_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-post-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2689_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2697_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2706_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2714_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-post-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2722_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-post-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2730_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2738_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-post-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2746_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-dwithin-post-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2755_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2763_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-get-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2771_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-get-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2779_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-get-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2787_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2795_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2804_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2812_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-get-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2820_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-get-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2828_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2836_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-get-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2844_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-get-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2853_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2861_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-post-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2869_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-post-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2877_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-post-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2885_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2893_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2902_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2910_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-post-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2918_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-post-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2926_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2934_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-post-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2942_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-equals-post-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2951_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2959_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-get-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2967_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-get-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2975_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-get-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2983_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e2991_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3000_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3008_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-get-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3016_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-get-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3024_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3032_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-get-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3040_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-get-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3049_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3057_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-post-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3065_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-post-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3073_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-post-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3081_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3089_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3098_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3106_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-post-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3114_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-post-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3122_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3130_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-post-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3138_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-intersects-post-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3147_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3155_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-get-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3163_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-get-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3171_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-get-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3179_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3187_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3196_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3204_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-get-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3212_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-get-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3220_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3228_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-get-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3236_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-get-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3245_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3253_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-post-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3261_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-post-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3269_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-post-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3277_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3285_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3294_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3302_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-post-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3310_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-post-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3318_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3326_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-post-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3334_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-overlaps-post-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3343_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3351_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-get-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3359_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-get-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3367_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-get-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3375_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3383_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3392_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3400_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-get-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3408_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-get-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3416_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3424_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-get-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3432_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-get-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3441_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3449_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-post-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3457_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-post-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3465_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-post-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3473_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3481_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3490_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3498_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-post-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3506_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-post-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3514_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3522_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-post-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3530_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-touches-post-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3539_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3547_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-get-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3555_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-get-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3563_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-get-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3571_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3579_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3588_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3596_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-get-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3604_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-get-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3612_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3620_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-get-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3628_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-get-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3637_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3645_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-post-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3653_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-post-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3661_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-post-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3669_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3677_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3686_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3694_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-post-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3702_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-post-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3710_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3718_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-post-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3726_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-filter-spatialoperators-within-post-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3735_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3743_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3751_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3759_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3767_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3775_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3784_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3792_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3800_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3808_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-get-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3816_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3824_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-post-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3833_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3841_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3849_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3857_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-post-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3865_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-post-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3873_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3882_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-post-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3890_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-getfeature-post-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3898_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3906_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3914_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3922_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3931_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3939_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3951_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3963_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3975_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e3987_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4000_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4012_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4024_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4036_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4048_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4060_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4073_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4085_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4097_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4109_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4121_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/442/&gt;

[...truncated 2393 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_9b8b2680b2fb698
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2178b2680b2fb713
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_46f8b2680b2fb763
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2a04b2680b2fb7f9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7c84b2680b2fb84b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4244b2680b2fb8f4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7cc4b2680b2fb949
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_44a4b2680b2fba49
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_40e4b2680b2fbb5a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6954b2680b277f8f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5ad4b2680b278028
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_76ab0a680b2b29f1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5c6b0a680b29555a
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_a012a680b3367c0
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2c812a680b336873
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_10412a680b3368ee
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_b412a680b336903
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_15c12a680b3369b8
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_71212a680b336a2a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1aa12a680b336a42
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_24612a680b336afd
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_68e12a680b336b7b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_39912a680b336cbf
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_65512a680b336d21
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_11d12a680b336db7
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/443/&gt;

[...truncated 2396 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1016999414d5dbd4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7f16999414d5dc2e
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6f96999414d5dca9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_30d6999414d5dd55
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2036999414d5ddd6
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_18b6999414d5de59
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3fb6999414d5dea8
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1f6999414d5df98
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6a8e999414d5e070
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_52e999414cda494
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_12ae999414cda521
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_76f8b99414d14ef1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6404b99414cf7a54
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3c53059414d98cf6
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6ad3059414d98d42
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2c33059414d98df0
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_8b3059414d98e63
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_17b3059414d98e98
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3573059414d98f3b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2ef3059414d98f54
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_320b059414d98fc9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6c8b059414d9906b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_104b059414d990f5
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_cb059414d99172
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6dcb059414d991a8
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/444/&gt;

[...truncated 2399 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_293a67c411fc561a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6eba67c411fc566a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4a7a67c411fc56fb
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4afa67c411fc577a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_520667c411fc57f1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_428667c411fc5874
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_544667c411fc58c3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_66a667c411fc5a6b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2e667c411fc5b7b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_555667c411f41f91
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1ad667c411f42029
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2ea857c411f7c9fc
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_246857c411f5f555
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1c03b7c4118007f4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6483b7c41180087a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2043b7c4118008e8
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4b43b7c411800902
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_15c3b7c4118009b8
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2433b7c411800dff
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6cb3b7c411800e75
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7873b7c411800ee0
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_f3b7c411800f70
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_27f3b7c411800f83
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7d0bb7c41180102d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_718bb7c4118010b4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/445/&gt;

[...truncated 2387 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_53274cac1aa29a35
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4da74cac1aa29a88
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_9674cac1aa29b1a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_31e74cac1aa29b95
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6e174cac1aa29bef
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6974cac1aa29c65
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_22574cac1aa29cf4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_67d74cac1aa29dab
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7db74cac1aa29e84
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7c8f4cac1a9a62db
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_378f4cac1a9a6373
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_40396cac1a9e0d07
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_23396cac1a9c38e5
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7625cac1aa64b18
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_60125cac1aa64bea
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6f125cac1aa64c11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7b925cac1aa64c84
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_43525cac1aa64d0d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_9d25cac1aa64da5
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7a325cac1aa64dc1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_54b25cac1aa64e7a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_58725cac1aa64efd
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3f725cac1aa64f0f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_27f25cac1aa64f80
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2d0a5cac1aa65029
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/446/&gt;

[...truncated 2408 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3664011364493ae6
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7ae4011364493b7e
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1a14011364493bfe
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1a94011364493c7f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3254011364493cf2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1ad4011364493d79
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_234011364493df6
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4bb4011364493eb1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_148c01136449404f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4a1c0113644106ad
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_749c0113644106d2
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_b27c1136444b1ae
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_31a7c1136442dd01
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3f1e113644cef88
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2d09e113644cf033
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4389e113644cf08b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2549e113644cf139
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_19c9e113644cf1a0
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_e29e113644cf1d5
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_12a9e113644cf24a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2469e113644cf2fd
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_28e9e113644cf37a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6fe9e113644cf38a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6719e113644cf401
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4d99e113644cf4aa
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/447/&gt;

[...truncated 2387 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_f43343616f3f50
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_17f43343616f3fa5
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_330c3343616f4034
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_338c3343616f40b5
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_d4c3343616f410c
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_35cc3343616f4183
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_412c3343616f4217
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_546c3343616f42cd
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_81c3343616f43d3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4ddc33436167081d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_763c3343616708b2
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1167f343616ab242
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2be7f3436168de6d
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3789cb436172f09e
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5749cb436172f11c
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_47c9cb436172f19b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6329cb436172f208
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_59a9cb436172f2a1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1669cb436172f2d9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7d19cb436172f431
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2599cb436172f4bd
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5559cb436172f525
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_59d9cb436172f5bc
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4139cb436172f633
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5ab9cb436172f65e
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/448/&gt;

[...truncated 2387 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6df4982b6a15bf8b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_b0c982b6a15c039
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4b2c982b6a15c23b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_186c982b6a15c2df
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_64ec982b6a15c347
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_421c982b6a15c3f4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7c9c982b6a15c449
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_40dc982b6a15c559
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_abc982b6a15c673
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6702982b6a0d8af7
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5d82982b6a0d8b18
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_17d7382b6a113532
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2b37382b6a0f60ed
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2fe9042b6a197392
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4899042b6a197460
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7059042b6a1974ed
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1759042b6a19751f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3bd9042b6a197582
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3539042b6a19763b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_49b9042b6a1976a7
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1e79042b6a1976d3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_66f9042b6a197743
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3205042b6a1977d7
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4c85042b6a19786b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_45042b6a1978f3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/449/&gt;

[...truncated 2384 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2d25a677773bfa0a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_19a5a677773bfa9d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4e65a677773bfaeb
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_31e5a677773bfb95
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2915a677773bfc1e
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2d95a677773bfc8f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3555a677773bfd00
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7235a677773bfdff
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7a75a677773bfef4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_704da6777733c343
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_234da6777733c3e7
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7b3a967777376da9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_dba96777735991f
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_63e0b677773fab8b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1b10b677773fac05
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_b90b677773fac82
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7950b677773fad24
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_69d0b677773fada7
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3630b677773faddb
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_32b0b677773fae48
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6470b677773faefc
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1248b677773fb0d4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_22c8b677773fb153
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3428b677773fb1e4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_50a8b677773fb276
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/450/&gt;

[...truncated 2099 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7ce8cd8770e2b34f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2418cd8770e2b3c3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3898cd8770e2b45c
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7658cd8770e2b4e4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_66d8cd8770e2b567
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5a38cd8770e2b5f8
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_22b8cd8770e2b674
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5b78cd8770e2b735
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2d04cd8770e2b801
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3064cd8770da7d42
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4f64cd8770da7dfc
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_88b6d8770de278e
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2b8b6d8770dc536d
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7fde5d8770e66597
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5f3e5d8770e66614
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7be5d8770e6669a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_637e5d8770e66708
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_73fe5d8770e6678b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2d015d8770e66837
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_79815d8770e668a1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7215d8770e66a1f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_30615d8770e66af6
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_20e15d8770e66b73
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_115d8770e66bf2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_27115d8770e66c01
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/451/&gt;

[...truncated 2102 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5726ffdf7d88da25
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_13a6ffdf7d88dab5
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7966ffdf7d88db1d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_9e6ffdf7d88db9b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2116ffdf7d88dc16
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_596ffdf7d88dc85
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5956ffdf7d88dd1b
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5436ffdf7d88ddcd
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5fb6ffdf7d88dea6
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6a8effdf7d80a32f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_404effdf7d80a344
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_838c0df7d844d0e
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_338c0df7d8278e7
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2b6360df7d8c8b02
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2de360df7d8c8bb3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_511360df7d8c8c2f
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_469360df7d8c8c5a
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5dd360df7d8c8db1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_293360df7d8c8e27
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_61b360df7d8c8ead
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_267360df7d8c8edd
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_16f360df7d8c8f44
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_520b60df7d8c8fd4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_248b60df7d8c9060
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_304b60df7d8c90f5
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
Pinging GeoServer at http://localhost:11010/geoserver

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host
GeoServer is offline

See <http://hudson.opengeo.org/hudson/job/cite-wfs-1.0-trunk/452/&gt;

[...truncated 2099 lines...]
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.41
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.42
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5ec7d2b146af196d
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4133_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.43
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.44
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5927d2b146af1a1c
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4146_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.45
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.46
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5a7d2b146af1a82
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4158_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.47
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.48
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2967d2b146af1b19
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4170_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.59
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_11e7d2b146af1b90
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4182_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.60
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_e17d2b146af1bed
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4194_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.61
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.62
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5297d2b146af1c73
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-getfeaturewithlock-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4206_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.9
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4219_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document be be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.10
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_bd7d2b146af1db0
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4231_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4243_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature without a lockId specified, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.12
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4255_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using the lockId the feature was locked with, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.13
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_1bb7d2b146af1eb7
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4267_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature using a lockId that the feature was not locked with, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.14
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-basictransactions-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4279_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has not been locked, the result document must contain the wfs:LockId and no FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4290_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction ALL, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4300_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the lockAction SOME, the result document must contain one wfs:FeaturesNotLocked.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4310_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:LockFeature request is made for a feature that has already been locked using the default lockAction (ALL), the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4320_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.21
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5e8fd2b146a6e339
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4332_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.22
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6c4fd2b146a6e35e
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4344_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature within the expiry counter, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.23
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_55b9f2b146aa8dd3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4357_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Delete a locked feature after the expiry country has expired, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.24
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_3679f2b146a8b9b1
         Pausing for 120 seconds...
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-lockexpiry-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4369_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.29
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_7e12cab146b2cbd7
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4381_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.53
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.54
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5a92cab146b2cc44
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-10 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4393_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:FAILED.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.55
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.56
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_c52cab146b2ccf2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-11 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4405_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.57
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.58
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2f52cab146b2cd11
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-12 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4417_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.30
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5bd2cab146b2cd81
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4430_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.31
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.32
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2932cab146b2ce27
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4442_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.33
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.34
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4ab2cab146b2ce47
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4454_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.35
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.36
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_6872cab146b2cee4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-5 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4466_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction ALL) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.37
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.38
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5772cab146b2cf05
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-6 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4478_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature without a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.49
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_4df2cab146b2cfa8
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-7 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4490_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be an ogc:ServiceExceptionReport or a failed transaction response.
         VAR_featureId: Locks.50
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_5e0acab146b2cfcf
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-8 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4503_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to Update a feature with a lockId, that was not released (with the releaseAction SOME) by a previous request, the result document must be a wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse with a wfs:Status of wfs:SUCCESS.
         VAR_featureId1: Locks.51
         VAR_featureId2: Locks.52
         VAR_lockId: GeoServer_2a8acab146b2d059
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-lock-lockfeature-releaseaction-9 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4515_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4523_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4531_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4539_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-get-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4547_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the response document must contain capabilities entries for the requests Transaction for HTTP POST.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4556_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Insert operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4564_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Update operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4572_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:GetCapabilities request is made to a transactional WFS, the result document must define the Delete operation either globally or for at least one feature type.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-getcapabilities-post-4 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4580_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId: Deletes.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4590_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is not in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4600_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to delete a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return no features.
         VAR_featureId1: Deletes.2
         VAR_featureId2: Deletes.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-delete-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4611_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4621_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation with a handle is added to the database successfully with the handle returned and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId: Inserts.2
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4631_1)...
         Assertion: This test checks that a single feature within an Insert operation is added to the database successfully and the feature can be retrieved from the server.
         VAR_featureId1: Inserts.3
         VAR_featureId2: Inserts.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-insert-3 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4641_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a single feature that is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.1
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-1 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4651_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a two features that are in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the features must return the changes to the feature.
         VAR_featureId1: Updates.2
         VAR_featureId2: Updates.3
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-2 Passed
      Testing wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e4661_1)...
         Assertion: When a wfs:Transaction request is made to update a multiple features where one is in the database, the result document must must a successful transaction response and a subsequent request to get the feature must return the change to the single feature.
         VAR_featureId: Updates.4
      Test wfs:test1.0.0-transactional-transaction-update-3 Passed
   Test wfs:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wfs:main_wfs Failed
Test wfs:main (wfs-1.0.0) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e680_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e688_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e704_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-get-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e729_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-1 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e753_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-2 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e761_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-4 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e778_1) Failed
   Test wfs:test1.0.0-basic-describefeaturetype-post-7 (wfs-1.0.0/d39e802_1) Failed
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