[Geoserver-devel] Build failed in Jenkins: geoserver-master #722

See <http://ares.opengeo.org/jenkins/job/geoserver-master/722/&gt;

[...truncated 13415 lines...]
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Ponds'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'BasicPolygons'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'MapNeatline'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Streams'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded data store 'cgf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Polygons'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'MPolygons'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'MPoints'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Lines'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Points'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'MLines'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage store 'usa'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage 'usa'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'usa'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded data store 'cdf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Nulls'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Inserts'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Locks'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Fifteen'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Other'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Deletes'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Updates'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Seven'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded service 'WCSInfoImpl--324aef65:147eac3c348:-7d5a', enabled
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/ows/**] onto handler 'dispatcher'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/ows] onto handler 'dispatcher'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [org.geoserver] - GeoServer configuration lock is enabled
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/wcs] onto handler 'dispatcher'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/wcs/**] onto handler 'dispatcher'
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [geoserver.security] - AuthenticationCache Initialized with 1000 Max Entries, 300 seconds idle time, 600 seconds time to live and 3 concurrency level
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [geoserver.security] - AuthenticationCache Eviction Task created to run every 600 seconds
18 Aug 20:17:30 WARN [geoserver.security] - Strong cryptography is NOT available
Download and installation the of unlimted length policy files is recommended
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [geoserver.security] - Start reloading user/grous for service named default
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [geoserver.security] - Reloading user/groups successful for service named default
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [geoserver.security] - Start encrypting configuration passwords using pbePasswordEncoder
18 Aug 20:17:30 INFO [geoserver.security] - End encrypting configuration passwords
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] GeoServer ......................................... SUCCESS [5.101s]
[INFO] Core Platform Module .............................. SUCCESS [14.484s]
[INFO] Open Web Service Module ........................... SUCCESS [17.093s]
[INFO] Main Module ....................................... SUCCESS [3:22.501s]
[INFO] GeoServer Security Modules ........................ SUCCESS [2.124s]
[INFO] GeoServer JDBC Security Module .................... SUCCESS [1:43.867s]
[INFO] GeoServer LDAP Security Module .................... SUCCESS [59.491s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service Module ....................... SUCCESS [4.235s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 1.0 Module ................... SUCCESS [1:10.788s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 1.1 Module ................... SUCCESS [1:20.650s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 2.0 Module ................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Web Feature Service Module ........................ SUCCESS [5:01.999s]
[INFO] Web Map Service Module ............................ FAILURE [5:40.501s]
[INFO] KML support for GeoServer ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoWebCache (GWC) Module .......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] REST Support Module ............................... SUCCESS [45.078s]
[INFO] REST Configuration Service Module ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Web Modules ............................. SUCCESS [0.689s]
[INFO] Core UI Module .................................... SUCCESS [2:33.014s]
[INFO] WMS UI Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GWC UI Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] WFS UI Module ..................................... SUCCESS [46.011s]
[INFO] Demoes Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] WCS UI Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Security UI Modules ............................... SUCCESS [0.278s]
[INFO] Security UI Core Module ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Security UI JDBC Module ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Security UI LDAP Module ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] REST UI Module .................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Extensions .............................. SUCCESS [0.231s]
[INFO] Printing Module ................................... SUCCESS [34.716s]
[INFO] Community Space ................................... SUCCESS [0.241s]
[INFO] HTTP Proxy Extension .............................. SUCCESS [23.300s]
[INFO] GeoServer Web Application ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Application Schema Support ........................ SUCCESS [0.177s]
[INFO] Application Schema Integration Test ............... SKIPPED
[INFO] Sample DataAccess Integration Test ................ SUCCESS [40.089s]
[INFO] ArcSDE DataStore Extension ........................ SUCCESS [26.212s]
[INFO] GeoSearch Index Module ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] H2 DataStore Extension ............................ SUCCESS [21.014s]
[INFO] SQL Server DataStore Extension .................... SUCCESS [1.244s]
[INFO] Oracle DataStore Extension ........................ SUCCESS [0.613s]
[INFO] MySQL DataStore Extension ......................... SUCCESS [0.346s]
[INFO] DB2 DataStore Extension ........................... SUCCESS [0.410s]
[INFO] ImageMap Output Format ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] ImageI/O-Ext GDAL Coverage Extension .............. SUCCESS [1.106s]
[INFO] JP2K Coverage Extension ........................... SUCCESS [0.535s]
[INFO] ogr2ogr Output Format ............................. SUCCESS [37.699s]
[INFO] Excel Output Format ............................... SUCCESS [42.338s]
[INFO] Chart external graphics support ................... SUCCESS [1.588s]
[INFO] Feature Generalization Extension .................. SUCCESS [3.722s]
[INFO] Image Mosaic JDBC Extension ....................... SUCCESS [1.031s]
[INFO] OWS request flow controller ....................... SUCCESS [34.452s]
[INFO] Web Processing Service parent ..................... SUCCESS [0.526s]
[INFO] Web Processing Service Module ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Web Processing Service GUI ........................ SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Layer Querying filter functions ......... SUCCESS [51.094s]
[INFO] Teradata DataStore Extension ...................... SUCCESS [3.956s]
[INFO] GeoServer Monitor Extensions ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Core Monitor Extension ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Monitor Hibernate Extension ....................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Security Extension Modules .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer CAS Security Module ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Security Extension Web Modules .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer CAS Security Web Module ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] XLST based WFS output format ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer INSPIRE Extensions ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer CSS Styling ............................. SUCCESS [55.230s]
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web parent ............... SUCCESS [0.438s]
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web interfaces ........... SUCCESS [27.695s]
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web - Simple CatalogStore implementation SKIPPED
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web core module .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] CSW UI Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] DXF WFS output format and WPS PPIO ................ SUCCESS [0.569s]
[INFO] DXF WFS output format ............................. SUCCESS [41.403s]
[INFO] DXF WPS PPIO ...................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer WCS 2.0 Earth Observation Extensions .... SUCCESS [0.467s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 2.0 Earth Observation extensions SKIPPED
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 2.0 Earth Observation GUI extension SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer libjpeg-turbo Module .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Data Importer ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Importer Core Module .............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Importer REST Api Module .......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Importer Berkley DB Persistence Module ............ SKIPPED
[INFO] Importer Web UI Module ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 18:25.428s (Wall Clock)
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Aug 18 20:17:30 UTC 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 58M/187M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 Aug 20:17:31 INFO [geoserver.wcs] -
Request: getServiceInfo
18 Aug 20:17:31 ERROR [geoserver.ows] -
org.geoserver.wcs2_0.exception.WCS20Exception: Error in service name, epected value: WCS
  at org.geoserver.wcs2_0.util.RequestUtils.checkService(RequestUtils.java:363)
  at org.geoserver.wcs2_0.DefaultWebCoverageService20.getCapabilities(DefaultWebCoverageService20.java:73)
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
  at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)
  at org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:319)
  at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:183)
  at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:150)
  at org.geoserver.ows.util.RequestObjectLogger.invoke(RequestObjectLogger.java:54)
  at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:172)
  at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:202)
  at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy36.getCapabilities(Unknown Source)
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
  at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)
  at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.execute(Dispatcher.java:791)
  at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.handleRequestInternal(Dispatcher.java:273)
  at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.handleRequest(AbstractController.java:153)
  at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter.handle(SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter.java:48)
  at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(DispatcherServlet.java:923)
  at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(DispatcherServlet.java:852)
  at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(FrameworkServlet.java:882)
  at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doGet(FrameworkServlet.java:778)
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:707)
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
  at org.geoserver.test.GeoServerSystemTestSupport$2.service(GeoServerSystemTestSupport.java:1420)
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
  at com.mockrunner.mock.web.MockFilterChain.doFilter(MockFilterChain.java:50)
  at org.geoserver.test.GeoServerSystemTestSupport.dispatch(GeoServerSystemTestSupport.java:1439)
  at org.geoserver.test.GeoServerSystemTestSupport.dispatch(GeoServerSystemTestSupport.java:1374)
  at org.geoserver.test.GeoServerSystemTestSupport.getAsServletResponse(GeoServerSystemTestSupport.java:923)
  at org.geoserver.test.GeoServerSystemTestSupport.getAsServletResponse(GeoServerSystemTestSupport.java:906)
  at org.geoserver.test.GeoServerSystemTestSupport.get(GeoServerSystemTestSupport.java:891)
  at org.geoserver.test.GeoServerSystemTestSupport.getAsDOM(GeoServerSystemTestSupport.java:1217)
  at org.geoserver.test.GeoServerSystemTestSupport.getAsDOM(GeoServerSystemTestSupport.java:1152)
  at org.geoserver.wcs2_0.kvp.GetCapabilitiesTest.testCase(GetCapabilitiesTest.java:38)
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
  at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)
  at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(FrameworkMethod.java:47)
  at org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable.run(ReflectiveCallable.java:12)
  at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(FrameworkMethod.java:44)
  at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(InvokeMethod.java:17)
  at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(RunBefores.java:26)
  at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(RunAfters.java:27)
  at org.junit.rules.RunRules.evaluate(RunRules.java:20)
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(ParentRunner.java:271)
  at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:70)
  at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:50)
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:238)
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:63)
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:236)
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:53)
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:229)
  at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate(RunBefores.java:26)
  at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunAfters.evaluate(RunAfters.java:27)
  at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:309)
  at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.execute(JUnit4Provider.java:252)
  at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeTestSet(JUnit4Provider.java:141)
  at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.invoke(JUnit4Provider.java:112)
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
  at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)
  at org.apache.maven.surefire.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodWithArray(ReflectionUtils.java:189)
  at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory$ProviderProxy.invoke(ProviderFactory.java:165)
  at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory.invokeProvider(ProviderFactory.java:85)
  at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.runSuitesInProcess(ForkedBooter.java:115)
  at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.main(ForkedBooter.java:75)
18 Aug 20:17:31 WARN [geoserver.ows] - OWS20SEH: handling org.geoserver.wcs2_0.exception.WCS20Exception: Error in service name, epected value: WCS
18 Aug 20:17:31 INFO [geoserver.wcs] -
Request: getServiceInfo
18 Aug 20:17:31 INFO [geoserver.wcs] -
Request: getCapabilities
    baseUrl = http://localhost:8080/geoserver/
    service = WCS
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.3:test (default-test) on project gs-wms: There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to <http://ares.opengeo.org/jenkins/job/geoserver-master/ws/src/wms/target/surefire-reports&gt; for the individual test results.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :gs-wms
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure

See <http://ares.opengeo.org/jenkins/job/geoserver-master/723/&gt;

[...truncated 12250 lines...]
    baseUrl = http://localhost:8080/geoserver/
    coverageId[0] = sf__watertemp
19 Aug 14:18:23 INFO [geoserver.wcs] -
Request: getServiceInfo
19 Aug 14:18:23 INFO [geoserver.wcs] -
Request: describeCoverage
    service = WCS
    version = 2.0.1
    baseUrl = http://localhost:8080/geoserver/
    coverageId[0] = sf__timeranges
19 Aug 14:18:23 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Closing org.geoserver.test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext@anonymised.com: startup date [Tue Aug 19 14:18:17 UTC 2014]; root of context hierarchy
Tests run: 19, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 7.317 sec
Running org.geoserver.wcs2_0.kvp.GMLGetCoverageKVPTest
log4j:WARN File option not set for appender [geoserverlogfile].
log4j:WARN Are you using FileAppender instead of ConsoleAppender?
log4j:ERROR No output stream or file set for the appender named [geoserverlogfile].
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Refreshing org.geoserver.test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext@anonymised.com: startup date [Tue Aug 19 14:18:24 UTC 2014]; root of context hierarchy
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'nullLockProvider' of type [class org.geoserver.platform.resource.NullLockProvider] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'lockProvider' of type [class org.geoserver.platform.resource.GlobalLockProvider] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'resourceStore' of type [class org.geoserver.platform.resource.DataDirectoryResourceStore] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'resourceLoader' of type [class org.geoserver.platform.GeoServerResourceLoader] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'wcs20Service' of type [class org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'wcs111Service' of type [class org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'extensions' of type [class org.geoserver.platform.GeoServerExtensions] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'dataDirectory' of type [class org.geoserver.config.GeoServerDataDirectory] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'authenticationManager' of type [class org.geoserver.security.GeoServerSecurityManager] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Streams'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'MapNeatline'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Forests'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Bridges'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'RoadSegments'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'raster'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'BasicPolygons'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'NamedPlaces'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Lakes'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'DividedRoutes'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Default'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Buildings'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Ponds'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded default workspace gs
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded workspace 'sf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded workspace 'wcs'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded workspace 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded workspace 'cgf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded workspace 'cdf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded workspace 'gs'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded data store 'sf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'sf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'GenericEntity'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'sf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'PrimitiveGeoFeature'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'sf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'AggregateGeoFeature'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage store 'RotatedCad'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage 'RotatedCad'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'RotatedCad'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage store 'World'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage 'World'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'World'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage store 'multiband'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage 'multiband'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'multiband'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage store 'BlueMarble'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage 'BlueMarble'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'BlueMarble'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage store 'DEM'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage 'DEM'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'DEM'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded data store 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'RoadSegments'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Geometryless'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Forests'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'DividedRoutes'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'NamedPlaces'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Lakes'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Bridges'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Buildings'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Ponds'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'BasicPolygons'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'MapNeatline'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Streams'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded data store 'cgf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Polygons'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'MPolygons'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'MPoints'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Lines'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Points'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'MLines'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage store 'usa'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage 'usa'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'usa'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded data store 'cdf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Nulls'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Inserts'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Locks'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Fifteen'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Other'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Deletes'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Updates'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Seven'
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded service 'WCSInfoImpl-76a7dd9c:147eea17cd9:-7e36', enabled
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] GeoServer ......................................... SUCCESS [10.564s]
[INFO] Core Platform Module .............................. SUCCESS [14.203s]
[INFO] Open Web Service Module ........................... SUCCESS [19.059s]
[INFO] Main Module ....................................... SUCCESS [3:18.067s]
[INFO] GeoServer Security Modules ........................ SUCCESS [0.802s]
[INFO] GeoServer JDBC Security Module .................... SUCCESS [1:18.695s]
[INFO] GeoServer LDAP Security Module .................... SUCCESS [55.750s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service Module ....................... SUCCESS [6.635s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 1.0 Module ................... SUCCESS [1:02.959s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 1.1 Module ................... SUCCESS [1:21.207s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 2.0 Module ................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Web Feature Service Module ........................ SUCCESS [4:50.966s]
[INFO] Web Map Service Module ............................ FAILURE [5:25.101s]
[INFO] KML support for GeoServer ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoWebCache (GWC) Module .......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] REST Support Module ............................... SUCCESS [45.693s]
[INFO] REST Configuration Service Module ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Web Modules ............................. SUCCESS [0.481s]
[INFO] Core UI Module .................................... SUCCESS [2:40.607s]
[INFO] WMS UI Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GWC UI Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] WFS UI Module ..................................... SUCCESS [43.362s]
[INFO] Demoes Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] WCS UI Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Security UI Modules ............................... SUCCESS [0.411s]
[INFO] Security UI Core Module ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Security UI JDBC Module ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Security UI LDAP Module ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] REST UI Module .................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Extensions .............................. SUCCESS [0.246s]
[INFO] Printing Module ................................... SUCCESS [41.457s]
[INFO] Community Space ................................... SUCCESS [0.332s]
[INFO] HTTP Proxy Extension .............................. SUCCESS [9.729s]
[INFO] GeoServer Web Application ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Application Schema Support ........................ SUCCESS [0.209s]
[INFO] Application Schema Integration Test ............... SKIPPED
[INFO] Sample DataAccess Integration Test ................ SUCCESS [38.424s]
[INFO] ArcSDE DataStore Extension ........................ SUCCESS [30.216s]
[INFO] GeoSearch Index Module ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] H2 DataStore Extension ............................ SUCCESS [24.644s]
[INFO] SQL Server DataStore Extension .................... SUCCESS [1.313s]
[INFO] Oracle DataStore Extension ........................ SUCCESS [1.134s]
[INFO] MySQL DataStore Extension ......................... SUCCESS [0.460s]
[INFO] DB2 DataStore Extension ........................... SUCCESS [0.475s]
[INFO] ImageMap Output Format ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] ImageI/O-Ext GDAL Coverage Extension .............. SUCCESS [1.308s]
[INFO] JP2K Coverage Extension ........................... SUCCESS [0.679s]
[INFO] ogr2ogr Output Format ............................. SUCCESS [36.783s]
[INFO] Excel Output Format ............................... SUCCESS [40.929s]
[INFO] Chart external graphics support ................... SUCCESS [2.725s]
[INFO] Feature Generalization Extension .................. SUCCESS [4.558s]
[INFO] Image Mosaic JDBC Extension ....................... SUCCESS [0.765s]
[INFO] OWS request flow controller ....................... SUCCESS [26.826s]
[INFO] Web Processing Service parent ..................... SUCCESS [0.386s]
[INFO] Web Processing Service Module ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Web Processing Service GUI ........................ SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Layer Querying filter functions ......... SUCCESS [46.420s]
[INFO] Teradata DataStore Extension ...................... SUCCESS [4.307s]
[INFO] GeoServer Monitor Extensions ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Core Monitor Extension ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Monitor Hibernate Extension ....................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Security Extension Modules .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer CAS Security Module ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Security Extension Web Modules .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer CAS Security Web Module ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] XLST based WFS output format ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer INSPIRE Extensions ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer CSS Styling ............................. SUCCESS [55.477s]
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web parent ............... SUCCESS [0.214s]
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web interfaces ........... SUCCESS [23.194s]
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web - Simple CatalogStore implementation SKIPPED
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web core module .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] CSW UI Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] DXF WFS output format and WPS PPIO ................ SUCCESS [0.269s]
[INFO] DXF WFS output format ............................. SUCCESS [39.324s]
[INFO] DXF WPS PPIO ...................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer WCS 2.0 Earth Observation Extensions .... SUCCESS [0.199s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 2.0 Earth Observation extensions SKIPPED
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 2.0 Earth Observation GUI extension SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer libjpeg-turbo Module .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Data Importer ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Importer Core Module .............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Importer REST Api Module .......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Importer Berkley DB Persistence Module ............ SKIPPED
[INFO] Importer Web UI Module ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 17:43.289s (Wall Clock)
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Aug 19 14:18:24 UTC 2014
19 Aug 14:18:24 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/ows/**] onto handler 'dispatcher'
19 Aug 14:18:25 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/ows] onto handler 'dispatcher'
19 Aug 14:18:25 INFO [org.geoserver] - GeoServer configuration lock is enabled
19 Aug 14:18:25 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/wcs] onto handler 'dispatcher'
19 Aug 14:18:25 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/wcs/**] onto handler 'dispatcher'
19 Aug 14:18:25 INFO [geoserver.security] - AuthenticationCache Initialized with 1000 Max Entries, 300 seconds idle time, 600 seconds time to live and 3 concurrency level
19 Aug 14:18:25 INFO [geoserver.security] - AuthenticationCache Eviction Task created to run every 600 seconds
19 Aug 14:18:25 WARN [geoserver.security] - Strong cryptography is NOT available
Download and installation the of unlimted length policy files is recommended
19 Aug 14:18:25 INFO [geoserver.security] - Start reloading user/grous for service named default
19 Aug 14:18:25 INFO [geoserver.security] - Reloading user/groups successful for service named default
19 Aug 14:18:25 INFO [geoserver.security] - Start encrypting configuration passwords using pbePasswordEncoder
19 Aug 14:18:25 INFO [geoserver.security] - End encrypting configuration passwords
[INFO] Final Memory: 58M/193M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.3:test (default-test) on project gs-wms: There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to <http://ares.opengeo.org/jenkins/job/geoserver-master/ws/src/wms/target/surefire-reports&gt; for the individual test results.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :gs-wms
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure

See <http://ares.opengeo.org/jenkins/job/geoserver-master/724/changes&gt;


[jdeolive] Updating version numbers to 2.7-SNAPSHOT

[...truncated 12259 lines...]
20 Aug 15:12:04 INFO [geoserver.security] - Start reloading user/grous for service named default
20 Aug 15:12:04 INFO [geoserver.security] - Reloading user/groups successful for service named default
20 Aug 15:12:04 INFO [geoserver.security] - Start encrypting configuration passwords using pbePasswordEncoder
20 Aug 15:12:04 INFO [geoserver.security] - End encrypting configuration passwords
20 Aug 15:12:04 INFO [geoserver.wcs] -
Request: getServiceInfo
20 Aug 15:12:04 INFO [geoserver.wcs] -
Request: getCoverage
    service = WCS
    version = 2.0.1
    baseUrl = http://localhost:8080/geoserver/
    coverageId = wcs__BlueMarble
    format = application/gml+xml
20 Aug 15:12:05 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Closing org.geoserver.test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext@anonymised.com: startup date [Wed Aug 20 15:12:03 UTC 2014]; root of context hierarchy
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.02 sec
Running org.geoserver.wcs2_0.kvp.GeoTiffKvpTest
log4j:WARN File option not set for appender [geoserverlogfile].
log4j:WARN Are you using FileAppender instead of ConsoleAppender?
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] GeoServer ......................................... SUCCESS [9.925s]
[INFO] Core Platform Module .............................. SUCCESS [17.024s]
[INFO] Open Web Service Module ........................... SUCCESS [16.697s]
[INFO] Main Module ....................................... SUCCESS [3:21.954s]
[INFO] GeoServer Security Modules ........................ SUCCESS [0.725s]
[INFO] GeoServer JDBC Security Module .................... SUCCESS [1:20.135s]
[INFO] GeoServer LDAP Security Module .................... SUCCESS [51.318s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service Module ....................... SUCCESS [5.828s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 1.0 Module ................... SUCCESS [1:05.291s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 1.1 Module ................... SUCCESS [1:23.660s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 2.0 Module ................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Web Feature Service Module ........................ SUCCESS [4:52.395s]
[INFO] Web Map Service Module ............................ FAILURE [5:34.185s]
[INFO] KML support for GeoServer ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoWebCache (GWC) Module .......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] REST Support Module ............................... SUCCESS [48.630s]
[INFO] REST Configuration Service Module ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Web Modules ............................. SUCCESS [0.354s]
[INFO] Core UI Module .................................... SUCCESS [2:33.860s]
[INFO] WMS UI Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GWC UI Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] WFS UI Module ..................................... SUCCESS [45.027s]
[INFO] Demoes Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] WCS UI Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Security UI Modules ............................... SUCCESS [0.325s]
[INFO] Security UI Core Module ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Security UI JDBC Module ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Security UI LDAP Module ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] REST UI Module .................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Extensions .............................. SUCCESS [0.135s]
[INFO] Printing Module ................................... SUCCESS [42.481s]
[INFO] Community Space ................................... SUCCESS [0.154s]
[INFO] HTTP Proxy Extension .............................. SUCCESS [9.181s]
[INFO] GeoServer Web Application ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Application Schema Support ........................ SUCCESS [0.096s]
[INFO] Application Schema Integration Test ............... SKIPPED
[INFO] Sample DataAccess Integration Test ................ SUCCESS [38.648s]
[INFO] ArcSDE DataStore Extension ........................ SUCCESS [32.646s]
[INFO] GeoSearch Index Module ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] H2 DataStore Extension ............................ SUCCESS [25.601s]
[INFO] SQL Server DataStore Extension .................... SUCCESS [1.767s]
[INFO] Oracle DataStore Extension ........................ SUCCESS [0.539s]
[INFO] MySQL DataStore Extension ......................... SUCCESS [0.361s]
[INFO] DB2 DataStore Extension ........................... SUCCESS [0.357s]
[INFO] ImageMap Output Format ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] ImageI/O-Ext GDAL Coverage Extension .............. SUCCESS [1.038s]
[INFO] JP2K Coverage Extension ........................... SUCCESS [0.444s]
[INFO] ogr2ogr Output Format ............................. SUCCESS [34.538s]
[INFO] Excel Output Format ............................... SUCCESS [41.705s]
[INFO] Chart external graphics support ................... SUCCESS [1.731s]
[INFO] Feature Generalization Extension .................. SUCCESS [5.317s]
[INFO] Image Mosaic JDBC Extension ....................... SUCCESS [0.782s]
[INFO] OWS request flow controller ....................... SUCCESS [28.354s]
[INFO] Web Processing Service parent ..................... SUCCESS [0.135s]
[INFO] Web Processing Service Module ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Web Processing Service GUI ........................ SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Layer Querying filter functions ......... SUCCESS [50.323s]
[INFO] Teradata DataStore Extension ...................... SUCCESS [3.044s]
[INFO] GeoServer Monitor Extensions ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Core Monitor Extension ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] Monitor Hibernate Extension ....................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Security Extension Modules .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer CAS Security Module ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Security Extension Web Modules .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer CAS Security Web Module ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] XLST based WFS output format ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer INSPIRE Extensions ...................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer CSS Styling ............................. SUCCESS [57.627s]
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web parent ............... SUCCESS [0.117s]
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web interfaces ........... SUCCESS [20.958s]
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web - Simple CatalogStore implementation SKIPPED
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web core module .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] CSW UI Module ..................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] DXF WFS output format and WPS PPIO ................ SUCCESS [0.143s]
[INFO] DXF WFS output format ............................. SUCCESS [39.482s]
[INFO] DXF WPS PPIO ...................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer WCS 2.0 Earth Observation Extensions .... SUCCESS [0.223s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 2.0 Earth Observation extensions SKIPPED
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 2.0 Earth Observation GUI extension SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer libjpeg-turbo Module .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] GeoServer Data Importer ........................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Importer Core Module .............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Importer REST Api Module .......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] Importer Berkley DB Persistence Module ............ SKIPPED
[INFO] Importer Web UI Module ............................ SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 17:54.908s (Wall Clock)
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Aug 20 15:12:05 UTC 2014
log4j:ERROR No output stream or file set for the appender named [geoserverlogfile].
20 Aug 15:12:05 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Refreshing org.geoserver.test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext@anonymised.com: startup date [Wed Aug 20 15:12:05 UTC 2014]; root of context hierarchy
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'nullLockProvider' of type [class org.geoserver.platform.resource.NullLockProvider] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'lockProvider' of type [class org.geoserver.platform.resource.GlobalLockProvider] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'resourceStore' of type [class org.geoserver.platform.resource.DataDirectoryResourceStore] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'resourceLoader' of type [class org.geoserver.platform.GeoServerResourceLoader] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'wcs20Service' of type [class org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'wcs111Service' of type [class org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'extensions' of type [class org.geoserver.platform.GeoServerExtensions] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'dataDirectory' of type [class org.geoserver.config.GeoServerDataDirectory] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [test.GeoServerTestApplicationContext] - Bean 'authenticationManager' of type [class org.geoserver.security.GeoServerSecurityManager] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Streams'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'MapNeatline'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Forests'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Bridges'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'RoadSegments'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'raster'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'BasicPolygons'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'NamedPlaces'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Lakes'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'DividedRoutes'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Default'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Buildings'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded style 'Ponds'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded default workspace gs
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded workspace 'sf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded workspace 'wcs'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded workspace 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded workspace 'cgf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded workspace 'cdf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded workspace 'gs'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded data store 'sf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'sf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'GenericEntity'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'sf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'PrimitiveGeoFeature'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'sf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'AggregateGeoFeature'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage store 'RotatedCad'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage 'RotatedCad'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'RotatedCad'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage store 'World'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage 'World'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'World'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage store 'multiband'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage 'multiband'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'multiband'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage store 'BlueMarble'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage 'BlueMarble'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'BlueMarble'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage store 'DEM'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage 'DEM'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'DEM'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded data store 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'RoadSegments'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Geometryless'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Forests'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'DividedRoutes'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'NamedPlaces'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Lakes'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Bridges'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Buildings'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Ponds'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'BasicPolygons'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'MapNeatline'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cite'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Streams'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded data store 'cgf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Polygons'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'MPolygons'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'MPoints'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Lines'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Points'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cgf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'MLines'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage store 'usa'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded coverage 'usa'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'usa'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded data store 'cdf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Nulls'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Inserts'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Locks'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Fifteen'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Other'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Deletes'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
20 Aug 15:12:06 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Updates'
20 Aug 15:12:07 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded feature type 'cdf'
20 Aug 15:12:07 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded layer 'Seven'
20 Aug 15:12:07 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded service 'WCSInfoImpl--2d721a02:147f3f8f9e8:-7dc8', enabled
20 Aug 15:12:07 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/ows/**] onto handler 'dispatcher'
20 Aug 15:12:07 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/ows] onto handler 'dispatcher'
20 Aug 15:12:07 INFO [org.geoserver] - GeoServer configuration lock is enabled
20 Aug 15:12:07 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/wcs] onto handler 'dispatcher'
20 Aug 15:12:07 INFO [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped URL path [/wcs/**] onto handler 'dispatcher'
20 Aug 15:12:07 INFO [geoserver.security] - AuthenticationCache Initialized with 1000 Max Entries, 300 seconds idle time, 600 seconds time to live and 3 concurrency level
20 Aug 15:12:07 INFO [geoserver.security] - AuthenticationCache Eviction Task created to run every 600 seconds
20 Aug 15:12:07 WARN [geoserver.security] - Strong cryptography is NOT available
Download and installation the of unlimted length policy files is recommended
[INFO] Final Memory: 61M/201M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.3:test (default-test) on project gs-wms: There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to <http://ares.opengeo.org/jenkins/job/geoserver-master/ws/src/wms/target/surefire-reports&gt; for the individual test results.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :gs-wms
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure

See <http://ares.opengeo.org/jenkins/job/geoserver-master/725/changes&gt;