See <>
[jody.garnett] Change compile target to 1.7
[mike] Updating/correcting x509 tutorial
[lago.88] Modifications on the REST interface supporting pathMapper
[Ben.Caradoc-Davies] More permissive fix for [GEOS-6482] Scale line pixel wrong location causes failure in GetMapIntegrationTest
[...truncated 8690 lines...]
[INFO] WCS NetCDF output Module .............................. SUCCESS [7.530s]
[INFO] GeoServer Embedded FTP server ......................... SUCCESS [2.975s]
[INFO] GeoServer Extensions .................................. SUCCESS [0.133s]
[INFO] Web Processing Service parent ......................... SUCCESS [0.105s]
[INFO] Web Processing Service Module ......................... SUCCESS [14.539s]
[INFO] GeoServer Scripting Extensions ........................ SUCCESS [0.522s]
[INFO] Core Scripting Extension .............................. SUCCESS [8.029s]
[INFO] H2 DataStore Extension ................................ SUCCESS [4.740s]
[INFO] Python Scripting Extension ............................ SUCCESS [9.243s]
[INFO] JavaScript Scripting Extension ........................ SUCCESS [7.245s]
[INFO] Groovy Scripting Extension ............................ SUCCESS [14.731s]
[INFO] GeoServer JDBC KV Catalog ............................. SUCCESS [8.851s]
[INFO] Simple Feature Service ................................ SUCCESS [5.450s]
[INFO] Aggregating Data Store ................................ SUCCESS [3.709s]
[INFO] WMS-EO ................................................ SUCCESS [7.856s]
[INFO] ColorMap .............................................. SUCCESS [5.993s]
[INFO] GeoServer mbtiles Extension ........................... SUCCESS [5.797s]
[INFO] GeoServer GeoPackage Extension ........................ SUCCESS [6.812s]
[INFO] GRIB Coverage Format .................................. SUCCESS [2.351s]
[INFO] Dynamic WMS dimension value defaults .................. SUCCESS [6.788s]
[INFO] REST plugin community module .......................... SUCCESS [6.751s]
[INFO] GeoServer Community Release Module .................... SUCCESS [2.762s]
[INFO] SpatiaLite Extension .................................. SUCCESS [12.390s]
[INFO] BeanShell Scripting Extension ......................... SUCCESS [14.147s]
[INFO] Ruby Scripting Extension .............................. SUCCESS [6.936s]
[INFO] Application Schema Support ............................ SUCCESS [0.150s]
[INFO] Application Schema Integration Test ................... SUCCESS [10.646s]
[INFO] Sample DataAccess Integration Test .................... SUCCESS [2.804s]
[INFO] ArcSDE DataStore Extension ............................ SUCCESS [7.184s]
[INFO] GeoSearch Index Module ................................ SUCCESS [6.776s]
[INFO] SQL Server DataStore Extension ........................ SUCCESS [0.406s]
[INFO] Oracle DataStore Extension ............................ SUCCESS [0.174s]
[INFO] MySQL DataStore Extension ............................. SUCCESS [0.277s]
[INFO] DB2 DataStore Extension ............................... SUCCESS [0.363s]
[INFO] ImageMap Output Format ................................ SUCCESS [6.722s]
[INFO] ImageI/O-Ext GDAL Coverage Extension .................. SUCCESS [0.199s]
[INFO] JP2K Coverage Extension ............................... SUCCESS [0.448s]
[INFO] ogr2ogr Output Format ................................. SUCCESS [5.217s]
[INFO] Excel Output Format ................................... SUCCESS [5.566s]
[INFO] Validation Module ..................................... SUCCESS [3.097s]
[INFO] Chart external graphics support ....................... SUCCESS [0.203s]
[INFO] Feature Generalization Extension ...................... SUCCESS [3.014s]
[INFO] Image Mosaic JDBC Extension ........................... SUCCESS [0.372s]
[INFO] OWS request flow controller ........................... SUCCESS [5.473s]
[INFO] Web Processing Service GUI ............................ SUCCESS [7.712s]
[INFO] GeoServer Layer Querying filter functions ............. SUCCESS [4.935s]
[INFO] Teradata DataStore Extension .......................... SUCCESS [2.915s]
[INFO] GeoServer Monitor Extensions .......................... SUCCESS [0.201s]
[INFO] Core Monitor Extension ................................ SUCCESS [10.015s]
[INFO] Monitor Hibernate Extension ........................... SUCCESS [7.289s]
[INFO] GeoServer Security Extension Modules .................. SUCCESS [0.329s]
[INFO] GeoServer CAS Security Module ......................... SUCCESS [6.543s]
[INFO] GeoServer Security Extension Web Modules .............. SUCCESS [0.325s]
[INFO] GeoServer CAS Security Web Module ..................... SUCCESS [3.280s]
[INFO] XLST based WFS output format .......................... SUCCESS [6.837s]
[INFO] GeoServer INSPIRE Extensions .......................... SUCCESS [6.093s]
[INFO] GeoServer CSS Styling ................................. SUCCESS [7.483s]
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web parent ................... SUCCESS [0.153s]
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web interfaces ............... SUCCESS [6.591s]
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web - Simple CatalogStore implementation SUCCESS [5.255s]
[INFO] Catalog Services for the Web core module .............. SUCCESS [8.659s]
[INFO] CSW UI Module ......................................... SUCCESS [5.405s]
[INFO] DXF output format ..................................... SUCCESS [0.114s]
[INFO] DXF output format ..................................... SUCCESS [5.463s]
[INFO] DXF WPS PPIO .......................................... SUCCESS [5.771s]
[INFO] Printing Module ....................................... SUCCESS [5.485s]
[INFO] GeoServer WCS 2.0 Earth Observation Extensions ........ SUCCESS [0.129s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 2.0 Earth Observation extensions . SUCCESS [7.466s]
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 2.0 Earth Observation GUI extension SUCCESS [6.133s]
[INFO] GeoServer libjpeg-turbo Module ........................ SUCCESS [5.557s]
[INFO] GeoServer Data Importer ............................... SUCCESS [0.193s]
[INFO] Importer Core Module .................................. SUCCESS [10.985s]
[INFO] Importer REST Api Module .............................. SUCCESS [7.925s]
[INFO] Importer Berkley DB Persistence Module ................ SUCCESS [6.238s]
[INFO] Importer Web UI Module ................................ SUCCESS [5.293s]
[INFO] GeoServer Release Module .............................. SUCCESS [2.675s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 12 minutes 31 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed May 28 08:14:10 UTC 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 141M/489M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /opt/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin/mvn assembly:attached
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Reactor build order:
[INFO] GeoServer
[INFO] Core Platform Module
[INFO] Open Web Service Module
[INFO] Main Module
[INFO] GeoServer Security Modules
[INFO] GeoServer JDBC Security Module
[INFO] GeoServer LDAP Security Module
[INFO] Web Coverage Service Module
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 1.0 Module
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 1.1 Module
[INFO] Web Coverage Service 2.0 Module
[INFO] Web Feature Service Module
[INFO] Web Map Service Module
[INFO] KML support for GeoServer
[INFO] GeoWebCache (GWC) Module
[INFO] REST Support Module
[INFO] REST Configuration Service Module
[INFO] GeoServer Web Modules
[INFO] Core UI Module
[INFO] WMS UI Module
[INFO] GWC UI Module
[INFO] WFS UI Module
[INFO] Demoes Module
[INFO] WCS UI Module
[INFO] Security UI Modules
[INFO] Security UI Core Module
[INFO] Security UI JDBC Module
[INFO] Security UI LDAP Module
[INFO] GeoServer Web Application
[INFO] Community Space
[INFO] GeoServer Extensions
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building GeoServer
[INFO] task-segment: [assembly:attached] (aggregator-style)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-platform:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-platform:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-ows:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-ows:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-main:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-main:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-wcs:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-wcs:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-wcs1_1:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-wcs1_1:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-wfs:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-wfs:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-wms:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-wms:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-rest:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-rest:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-wcs1_0:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-wcs1_0:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-core:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-core:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-gwc:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-gwc:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-demo:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-demo:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-sec-core:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-sec-core:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-restconfig:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-restconfig:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-wms:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-wcs2_0:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-wms:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-wcs2_0:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-gwc:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-gwc:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-kml:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver:gs-kml:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-wfs:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-wfs:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-wcs:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-wcs:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-sec-jdbc:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-sec-jdbc:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-sec-ldap:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-sec-ldap:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-rest:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from opengeo
[INFO] snapshot org.geoserver.web:gs-web-rest:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from osgeo
[INFO] [assembly:attached {execution: default-cli}]
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3 minutes 3 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed May 28 08:17:16 UTC 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 50M/387M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ cp target/release/ /var/www/geoserver/master/
+ cp target/release/ /var/www/geoserver/master/
+ cp target/release/ /var/www/geoserver/master/
+ cp target/release/ /var/www/geoserver/master/
+ cd community
+ /opt/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin/mvn assembly:attached
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Community Space
[INFO] task-segment: [assembly:attached] (aggregator-style)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [assembly:attached {execution: default-cli}]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] The assembly id dyndimension-plugin is used more than once.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed May 28 08:17:21 UTC 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 14M/182M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ [ ! -e /var/www/geoserver/master/ext-2014-05-28 ]
+ mkdir /var/www/geoserver/master/ext-2014-05-28
+ [ ! -e /var/www/geoserver/master/community-2014-05-28 ]
+ mkdir /var/www/geoserver/master/community-2014-05-28
+ cp target/release/geoserver-* /var/www/geoserver/master/ext-2014-05-28
cp: cannot stat `target/release/geoserver-*': No such file or directory
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure